Full time Research Co-ordinator position, U of Delaware
Anna Papafragou
papafragou at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 15:19:15 UTC 2008
Full-Time Research Coordinator Position
Language and Cognition Laboratory
University of Delaware
The Language and Cognition Laboratory (Department of Psychology) at
the University of Delaware has an opening for a full-time Research
Coordinator position. Under the supervision of Dr. Anna Papafragou,
the lab investigates how young children acquire language and how
language interacts with early conceptual development. The Research
Coordinator will participate in all aspects of lab activities,
including: designing and conducting experimental studies with children
(ages 3-8) and adults, coding and analyzing data, performing library
research, maintaining and ordering lab equipment and supplies,
assisting with IRB procedures and reports, etc. He or she will also
work closely with graduate and undergraduate students in the lab. Lab
activities involve frequent contact with children and their families,
so maturity and willingness to work with young children are important.
A BA in a related discipline (Linguistics, Psychology, Cognitive
Science) is a prerequisite. Desirable background skills include
computer/statistical skills, and some previous research experience.
Salary is competitive and benefits are included. Starting date is July
2008 (negotiable). A two-year commitment is preferable but not
This position is linked to a new NIH-funded project on Spatial
Language and its interface with Spatial Cognition. Applicants are
encouraged to view the lab webpage for more details about lab
activities (http://papafragou.psych.udel.edu), and/or contact Dr. Anna
Papafragou (papafragou at psych.udel.edu) for further information.
Applications should be mailed to: Human Resources, University of
Delaware, 413 Academy Street, Newark DE 19716 (hremployment at udel.edu).
Applications should include a CV (including relevant coursework,
previous work with children, computer and research skills, GPA/
transcript, and name and phone number/email of three references).
Please also arrange for three letters of recommendation to arrive
separately. Applications need to be received by May 10th for full
consideration. Applications received after this date will only be
considered if the position remains unfilled.
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