Child word frequency list?
Bruno Estigarribia
brunilda at
Fri Apr 25 17:07:52 UTC 2008
Sorry, that was unclear. Child production/comprehension. The CHILDES
page actually has a count of parental speech, and we could easily create
one from extant CHILDES data, but I wondered if there was anything
published? In the end, maybe a count in the CHILDES corpus would be the
best thing?
> Do you want input frequency, or child frequency?
> I'm not sure of a database of either (I've used input frequency from a
> couple of CHILDES corpora when I needed something rough and ready) but
> the International Picture Naming Project:
> has age of acquisition for the words in its database.
> Katie Alcock
> Katie Alcock, DPhil
> Lecturer
> Department of Psychology
> Lancaster University
> Fylde College
> Lancaster LA1 4YF
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: info-childes at [mailto:info-
>> childes at] On Behalf Of Bruno Estigarribia
>> Sent: 25 April 2008 17:33
>> To: info-childes at
>> Subject: Child word frequency list?
>> Hello all,
>> Are there any published word frequency lists for American-English
>> speaking children (preferably aged 2 to 6)? I am familiar with
> frequency
>> lists from text or adult spoken language, and also with some from
>> reading books (or reading-related, such as the Dolch list). But I need
>> something from spoken production/comprehension. My group will use these
>> words to construct items to test speech in children with and without
>> intellectual disability, with mental ages from 2 to 6.
>> Thanks all,
>> Bruno Estigarribia
>> FPG Child Development Institute
>> Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Center
>> University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
> >
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