you won't believe this
Melanie Soderstrom
melsod at
Thu Feb 28 16:55:45 UTC 2008
I think some kind of statement from the research community might be
warranted given the media attention. Perhaps written by a small number
of people and circulated for people and/or organizations to sign if they
chose? The focus should be on setting the record straight regarding the
research/evidence, rather than attacking a particular product, in my
Melanie Soderstrom
isa barriere wrote:
> Dear Kathy,
> Thanks for sharing this with all of us.
> As the Director of Research in a pre-school center that serves a very
> large number (> 2,000)of children from low SES (and many different
> langauge backgrounds) and that incoporates a clinic (EI 0 to 3 and
> special ed 3 to 21 - 3,000) in which I regularly contribute to
> parent'sworkshops and staff profesisonal development, I think it is
> essential that we write a response pointing out the many many factors
> that we know/don't know bout that may impact timing of language
> developmental stages. I also suggest that we should try to do so in
> collboration perhaps with representatives of relevant service
> providers (such as professional SLP organization ASHA etc).
> Let me know how I or other members of the organizations I work for and
> other colleagues can help.
> I look forwrad to hearing from you and to other people's reactions.
> isabelle Barriere, PhD
> Director of Policy for Research & Education
> Yeled v'Yalda Early Childhood cneter (
> <>)
> & Co-Director, YVY Research Insititute (
> & Research Associate, Research Institute for the Study of Language in
> Urban Society (RISLUS), CUNY Graduate center.
> On 2/28/08, *Kathy Hirsh-Pasek* <khirshpa at
> <mailto:khirshpa at>> wrote:
> I just read the article in the NYTimes on baby techtronics part of
> which described the Lena system. Yes, Lena is in the news again.
> The adds from their web site tell us that it is relevant to any
> parent concerned about "language delays, autism or transitioning
> an adopted child!" I am copying the description from the Times
> and thought we might all want to check out how our research is
> interpreted in the marketplace. Does this require a response from
> our community? What is our professional responsibility when this
> keeps coming up in the news?
> Kathy
> Last on our list was the LENA System ($399) a language measurement
> tool developed by Infoture, in Boulder, Colo. The system is based
> on research demonstrating a correlation between the amount parents
> talk to their babies during their first three years and their
> professional success later in life.
> The LENA System includes a credit card device and several
> children's outfits designed with large pockets in the front.
> Several days a month, you slip the device into the clothing and it
> records conversation between parent and child.
> At the end of the day, you plug it into your personal computer.
> Special software (available for Windows, but not Macs) analyzes
> the speech — separating adult words and baby gurgling from other
> noises — and reports on how many words you have spoken to your
> baby, how often your baby responds, and where you match up against
> the rest of the American population, to ensure your infant is
> getting that all-important verbal edge on other infants.
> My girls are a bit too young for the LENA, which Infoture
> recommends for infants from 2 months to 4 years. Instead I called
> Jennifer Jacobs, a mother of two from Boise, Idaho, who used the
> device to ensure her youngest child, Katherine, was not getting
> left behind.
> <>/
> >
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