Nonword repetition tasks
Brian MacWhinney
macw at
Wed Jan 23 16:58:32 UTC 2008
Dear Susanne,
There is an adult experimental literature demonstrating the
importance of
syllable length, syllable structure, list length, phonemic content,
and phonotactic regularity
in nonword repetition. There are also findings about list structure
and so on.
People who have done some of this include Baddeley, Gathercole, Pinker,
Prasada, MacWhinney, Gupta, Cowan and so on. However, in the adult
literature, it is the stimuli, not the tasks that is at issue. You
may be right that
for children one also has to have a nice task, such as having them
repeat the
silly words that the alligator puppet says or something like that.
--Brian MacWhinney
On Jan 23, 2008, at 4:37 PM, Susanne Vogt wrote:
> Dear Info-CHILDES,
> recently I was concerned with the topic of nonword repetition.
> Although
> research in the area of nonword repetition has received increased
> attention
> over the last years clear guidelines on how "good" nonwords should be
> constructed are few in number.
> I wonder if anybody could give some guidelines or ideas (or relevant
> literature) concerning the development of such a task for (German)
> preschool
> children (4 years of age).
> Any feedback on experiences related to nonword repetition tasks with
> 3- to
> 5-year olds would also be highly appreciated.
> Thanks a lot for any comments on the topic,
> Susanne
> Susanne Vogt MSc
> Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin FB Gesundheit - Logopädie
> Europa Fachhochschule Fresenius gem. GmbH
> Limburger Str. 2
> D - 65510 Idstein
> Fon: (0049-) 06126-9352-814
> Fax: (0049-) 06126-9352-821
> vogt at
> >
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