Early phonological development
Nina Gram Garmann
n.g.garmann at iln.uio.no
Sat May 24 22:45:53 UTC 2008
Dear Bruno Estigarribia,
Thanks for your input! And of course, i would also be interested in any
advice concerning recording equipment.
Regards, Nina Garmann
> Nina,
> Clearly, a rule of thumb like that provided by Barbara is useful.
> However, I would say the number of children, sampling frequency, and
> duration of each sample is mostly determined by the questions you want
> to ask and the kind of analysis you have in mind. It seems to me that 60
> minute samples are too long, unless (a) you want to highly increase your
> estimates' accuracy at each timepoint or (b) you are looking at
> infrequent variables. Or, if you were planning to use time series
> analysis, for instance, you may have enough with half the children and
> 30 minute samples, because you'll need a lot more data points for each
> child. The bottomline is: now is when you need to plan your questions
> and analysis very carefully, and the answer will depend very directly on
> the particulars of your analysis plan.
> And of course, another crucial thing is your recording equipment, but
> since you didn't ask about that, I assume you're all set!
> Bruno Estigarribia
> FPG Child Development Institute
> Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Center
> UNC - Chapel Hill
>> Dear Nina,
>> I second the choice of 10 children. The number you need, I believe,
>> depends
>> on the variability in your measures, (which I suspect is pretty great in
>> early phonological measures), but I have found as a rule of thumb that
>> 10 is
>> better than 7 and not usually much better than 12. When I have done
>> preliminary analyses of groups before all the data were collected, group
>> means from 6 and 7 children were rarely within a standard error plus or
>> minus of the eventual group (of around 30), whereas groups of 10 almost
>> always were. You might start out with a couple extra though to guard
>> against technical failures and non-cooperation--or hurricanes, in our
>> case!
>> Good luck,
>> Barbara
>> *************************************************************
>> Barbara Zurer Pearson, Ph.D.
>> Research Associate,
>> Depts of Linguistics and Communication Disorders
>> 226 South College
>> University of Massachusetts
>> Amherst MA 01003
>> Tel: 413-545-5023
>> Fax: 413-545-2792
>> bpearson at research.umass.edu
>> www.umass.edu/aae/bp_indexold.htm
>> www.zurer.com/pearson
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Nina" <n.g.garmann at iln.uio.no>
>> To: "Info-CHILDES" <info-childes at googlegroups.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 5:50 AM
>> Subject: Early phonological development
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am currently planning a three year post doctor project on the early
>>> phonological development of Norwegian children. I find it difficult to
>>> determine the appropriate number of children for this study. My
>>> current plan is to compile data from one-hour play sessions with 10
>>> children every six weeks for six months (18, 19.5, 21, 22.5, 24
>>> months). Has anyone done a similar study or could anyone in other ways
>>> supply me with any ideas concerning the number of participants,
>>> session intervals or the six months period of data compilation?
>>> Regards, Nina G. Garmann
>> >
> >
Nina Gram Garmann
Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier
Universitetet i Oslo
Postboks 1102 Blindern
0317 OSLO
n.g.garmann at iln.uio.no
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