Interfaces of Bilingualism and Specific Language Impairment Workshop - Call for Posters
Sharon Armon-Lotem
sharon.armonlotem at
Mon Oct 13 14:41:14 UTC 2008
Interfaces of Bilingualism and Specific Language Impairment Workshop -
Call for Posters
February 1-5, 2009
Institute for Advanced Study, the Hebrew University, Israel
The large numbers of bilinguals in the world and widespread migrations
of the 1990s, have led to dramatic increases in the number of children
being raised in multilingual communities. Typically developing (TD)
bilinguals often look like the children with Specific Language
Impairement (SLI), creating methodological and clinical diagnostic
confounds. Medical, language and educational professionals have
limited test instruments to distinguish language impaired migrant
children from those who will eventually catch up to their monolingual
peers. As a result, folk wisdom reigns, often carrying the view that
bilingual children with language disorders should be educated in a
single language, usually not the language of the home. In recent
years, several research groups have taken upon themselves to
disentangle bilingualism and SLI by establishing the relative
contribution of the each to impaired language performance.
Invited Speakers include:
• Galit Adam, Tel Aviv University
• Anne Baker, University of Amsterdam
• Isabelle Barriere, Brooklyn College (CUNY)
• Lisa Bedore, University of Texas
• Naama Friedmann, Tel Aviv University
• Natalia Gagarina, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS)
• Peggy F. Jacobson, St. John’s University
• Jan de Jong, University of Amsterdam
• Theo Marinis, University of Reading
• Juergen M. Meisel, University of Hamburg/University of Calgary
• Johanna Paradis, University of Alberta
• Carol Pfaff, Freie Universität Berlin
• Dorit Ravid, Tel Aviv University
• Tom Roeper, University of Massachusetts
• Monika Rothweiler, University of Hamburg
• Jeannette Schaeffer, Ben Gurion University
• Petra Schulz, University of Frankfurt
• Elin Thordardottir, McGill University
• Ianthi Tsimpli, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
• Joel Walters, Bar Ilan University
• Bencie Woll, University College London
Posters are invited for a poster session on February 4th
Submissions should include:
1. A cover page with the title of the poster, all authors' names and
affiliations, and contact information of the 1st author (postal
address, email address, telephone).
2. A one-page abstract (Times New Roman 12 font), with an optional
second page for examples, data and references. No identity properties
of the author should be found on the abstract page(s). Please center
title of the presentation at the top.
Cover page and abstract must be submitted electronically to
bisli.workshop at in PDF or word format. In the subject line of
the email please state ''Abstract BISLI'' and the first author's last
All authors will be invited to submit their papers for online
The deadline for abstract submission: November 15, 2008
Notification of acceptance: December 1, 2008.
There is no registration fee, but you must register by January 10,
2008 at In addition,
please send an email with your name and affiliation to
bisli.workshop at so we know how many to expect. In the subject
line of the email please state ''Registration BISLI''.
Organizing Committee:
Sharon Armon-Lotem
Jonathan Fine
Joel Walters
The workshop is organized by the English Department and Gonda
Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center at Bar-Ilan University with
the generous support of the Institute for Advanced Study at The Hebrew
University and the Israel Science Foundation.
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