Arabic Acquisition responses
badry at
Fri Jan 23 09:54:48 UTC 2009
I would like to thank all those who responded to my query on Info childes
post on January 9, 2009 about latest resources on Arabic acquisition.
Special thanks to Sigal Uziel-Karl, Ghada Khattab, William Snyder, Tom
Roeper, Isabelle Barriere. Virginia Gathercole, Natasha Trudeau, Naama
Friedman, Cynthia Zablit, Ruba Moawad, and Khawla Aljenaie.
Here is a summary. For some of these sources I do not have complete
citations. Sorry!
Abdulla, F. & M. Crago (2008). Verb morphology defects in Arabic-speaking
children with specific language impairment. Applied Psycholinguistics
Abdullah, F. (2002). Specific language impairment in Arabic-speaking
children: deficits in morphosyntax. Ph.D. thesis, McGill University, Canada
Al-Buainain, H. (2003). Developmental stages of the acquisition of negation
and interrogation by children native speakers of Qatari dialect. Journal of
the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science 25: 9-45.
Aljenaie, K., (2001). The emergence of tense and agreement in Kuwaiti
Arabic child language. PhD thesis, The University of Reading., UK.
Aljenaie, K. (2008). Negation in early Kuwaiti Arabic child language.
Arab Journal for the Humanities, 26,102. Kuwait: Kuwait University.
Aljenaie, K. & Farghal, M. (in press). Comprehension of three word orders in
Kuwaiti Arabic child language. Journal of Language Sciences.
Amayreh, Mousa and Alice Dyson. 2000. “Phonetic inventories of young
Arabic-speaking children”. Clinical linguistics and phonetics. 14,3:193-215.
Amayreh, Mousa. 2003. “Completion of the consonant inventory of Arabic”.
Journal of speech, language, and hearing research. 46:517-529.
Arab Journal for the Humanities, 26,102. Kuwait: Kuwait University.
Badry, F. 2004. Acquiring the Arabic lexicon: Evidence of productive
strategies and pedagogical implications. Bethesda, MD: Academica Press.
Badry, F. (2005) Acquisition of Arabic word formation: A multi path
approach. In Alhawary, M. & Benmamoun, E. (eds). Perspectives in Arabic
Linguistics Series XVII- XVIII.
Badry, F. (2006). First language acquisition. In Encyclopedia of Arabic
language and literature. Vol 2. Leiden: Brill.
Costa, J., & Friedmann, N. (2007, December). Hebrew and Arabic children
going Romance:The acquisition of subject verb order in Hebrew, Palestinian
Arabic, Spanish, and European Portuguese. Presented at Going Romance:
Twenty-First Symposium on Romance Linguistics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Friedmann, N. (2003, October). Functional categories in Hebrew and
Palestinian Arabic: a view from agrammatism. Presented at the Semitic
Linguistics within Contemporary Approaches conference, Florida, USA.
Friedmann, N. (2008, May). Results on Wh questions and relative clauses in
Hebrew and Palestinian Arabic. Presented at the COST A33 meeting,
Crosslinguistically robust stage of children’s linguistic performance,
Warsaw, Poland.
Friedmann, N. (2008, September). Elicitation of relative clauses in Hebrew
and Palestinian Arabic. Presented at the COST A33 meeting,
Crosslinguistically robust stage of children’s linguistic performance,
Aalborg, Denmark.
Levin, I. Saeigh-Haddad, E. Hende, N. Ziv, M., (2008). Early literacy in
Arabic: An intervention study among Israeli Palestinian kindergartners.
Applied Psycholinguistics 29 (2008), 413–436
Friedmann, N & Manar Haddad. The Comprehension of Sentences Derived by
Syntactic Movement in Palestinian Arabic-Speaking Children with Hearing
Impairment (manuscript from author)
Friedmann, N. & João Costa Acquisition of SV and VS Order in Hebrew,
European Portuguese, Palestinian Arabic, and Spanish (manuscript from
Moawad, R. (2006). The Acquisition of the Arabic Gender and Number Systems.
PhD. Thesis. University of Wales, Bangor, UK.
Omar. M. (1973). The Acquisition of Egyptian Arabic as a Native Language.
The hague: Mouton (republished by Georgetown University Press, 2007)
Ravid, Dorit. and Lubna Hayek. L. (2003). “Learning about different ways of
expressing number in the development of Palestinian Arabic”. First language.
23: 41-63.
Ravid, Dorit and Rola Farah (2001). “The early plural lexicon of
Palestinian Arabic: A longitudinal case study”. ELA. Proceedings. Institut
de sciences de l' homme, Université Lumiere, Lyon.
Salameh, Eva-Kristina, Ulrika Nettelbladt and Kjell Norlin. (2003).
“Assessing phonologies in bilingual Swedish-Arabic children with and without
language impairment”. Child language teaching and therapy. 19, 3 : 338-365.
Zablit, C., Trudeau, N. (2008). Le vocabulaire chez les enfants libanais
bilingues libanais arabophones, francophones et bilingues. Glossa, 103,
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