Basic literature for undergrad classes
Tom Roeper
roeper at
Mon Oct 26 16:19:06 UTC 2009
I guess my view is different. I think the neuropsych literature can be
quite obscure---but grasping that "who is here" calls for more than a single
person is right at the core of language and every approach to grammar should
give it some prominence, particularly looking at child grammar,
since more than 50% of normal children do not realize this right away.
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Katie Alcock
<k.j.alcock at>wrote:
> I think focussing on *just* quantifiers would be completely beyond my
> (psychology undergraduate) students! I’m setting my sights low and would
> like them just to be able to understand what syntax is and to be able to
> distinguish it from, say, phonology – so that they can then go and read
> articles in the neuropsych literature on their own.
> Katie
> ------------------------------
> *From: *Tom Roeper <roeper at>
> *Reply-To: *"info-childes at" <info-childes at
> >
> *Date: *Mon, 26 Oct 2009 11:50:12 -0400
> *To: *"info-childes at" <info-childes at>
> *Subject: *Re: Basic literature for undergrad classes
> Katie--
> in my book (Prsm of Grammar)---I devote a whole chapter to the
> discussion of communication disorders and particularly
> the important role of quantifiers in disorders--but I take the opposite
> tack, if it interests you, namely to
> try to explain the crucial ideas with as little special terminology as
> possible. The book has been used by 7th graders
> as well as college students in intro lingusitics classes---as well as by
> graduate students--if that is helpful.
> But I sypathize with your desire not to have people overwhelmed with
> words when what they need to do is
> really grasp new ideas.
> Tom Roeper
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Katie Alcock <k.j.alcock at>
> wrote:
> As someone who also teaches adult psycholinguistics and language disorders,
> I’d be really interested if anyone has a recommendation for a book that
> explains all these terms in a more general context (but briefly, as pointing
> my students towards an introductory linguistics text has generally led them
> to become overwhelmed in the past).
> Katie
> Katie Alcock, DPhil, CPsychol
> Lecturer
> Department of Psychology
> University of Lancaster
> Fylde College
> Lancaster LA1 4YF
> Tel 01524 593833
> Fax 01524 593744
> Web
> ------------------------------
> *From: *Matthew Saxton <m.saxton at <> >
> *Reply-To: *"info-childes at <
>> " <info-childes at <
>> >
> *Date: *Mon, 26 Oct 2009 08:14:38 -0000
> *To: *"info-childes at <>
> " <info-childes at <> >
> *Subject: *RE: Basic literature for undergrad classes
> Every term (from *noun* onwards) is explained and exemplified, either in
> the glossary or in the text, and there are exercises to practice linguistic
> concepts (with answers).
> --
> Tom Roeper
> Dept of Lingiustics
> UMass South College
> Amherst, Mass. 01003 ISA
> 413 256 0390
> >
Tom Roeper
Dept of Lingiustics
UMass South College
Amherst, Mass. 01003 ISA
413 256 0390
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