one million mark
Brian MacWhinney
macw at
Sat Apr 24 23:01:43 UTC 2010
Dear Friends,
I had floated the idea of IASCL awards for contributions a few years back and I still think it is a good one. However, as Anat says, it would probably have to be titled the Brian MacWhinney, Catherine Snow, and Many Many Others award. And Kathy is right on when she explains that organizing CHILDES was possible because of the pre-existing solidity of the social network in child language research. So, with your kind permission, I would like to have Catherine and I receive the honorary chocolates (they better be dark truffles) and leave the award without a person's name. But I really do think that having an award of this type administered through IASCL is a great idea. It will require a review committee and it may be appropriate to consider different types or levels of award (best dissertation, best paper, best book), but I definitely think that the field of child language should institute an award of this type.
Best regards,
- Brian MacWhinney
On Apr 24, 2010, at 12:15 AM, Jean Berko Gleason wrote:
> Annick is (as ever) right. Brian should receive some recognition that goes beyond our heartfelt thanks. He should receive an official award, prize, something, that will have lasting value and that will indicate to the world that he has made a great contribution to our field. I think APA has a variety of similar awards that he could be a candidate for , but probably most of the members of info-childes are not APA members.
> Here's one possibility:
> How about if we encourage IASCL to establish an award for outstanding contributions to the field of language acquisition. We name it the Brian MacWhinney Award and Brian is the first recipient and gets the prize (medal, plaque, cheque, box of chocolates, whatever) at the Montreal meeting. The IASCL will be asked to have a committee that thereafter will receive and evaluate nominations, and every 3 years thereafter some other deserving soul will receive the IASCL Brian MacWhinney Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Language Acquisition.
> Something like that. Don't all volunteer at once. Since it is discussion and not planning I'm not trying to hide anything from Brian.
> jean
> Jean Berko Gleason, Professor Emerita
> Department of Psychology
> Boston University
> Annick De Houwer wrote:
>> I want to add to all the congratulations! A monumental and great job,
>> Brian, for which you deserve gratitude and recognition. CHILDES
>> members, how can we make sure Brian's work gets LASTING gratitude and
>> recognition?
>> Annick
>> Annick De Houwer, PhD
>> Chair for Language Acquisition and Language Teaching
>> Director of the Language Center
>> University of Erfurt, Germany
>> please refer to for the two books
>> on early bilingualism I published last year
>> Postal address:
>> Frau Prof. Dr. A. De Houwer
>> Sprachwissenschaft (Anglistik)
>> Universität Erfurt
>> Nordhäuser Str. 63
>> D-99089 Erfurt
>> Germany
>> tel. +49-361-737-4331 (secretary: -2700 or -4320)
>> fax +49-361-737-4329
>> On Apr 21, 5:44 pm, Rosa Montes <rosa.mon... at> wrote:
>>> Congratulations Brian! The list and site are wonderful resources for
>>> researchers and they are especially appreciated in places where access
>>> to other resources is limited.
>>> Thank you for all your efforts and your unflagging enthusiasm,
>>> Rosa
>>> --
>>> Dra. Rosa Graciela Montes Miró
>>> Directora General de Investigación
>>> Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Estudios de Posgrado
>>> Benemérita Universidad Autonóma de Puebla
>>> 4 Sur 303 (Altos)
>>> Centro Histórico, Puebla,
>>> Puebla, 72000, México,
>>> Tel. oficina: +52 (222) 229-55-00, Ext. 5737
>>> Fax: +52 (222) 229-55-00, Ext.5631
>>> Email- rosa.mon... at, rosa.mon... at
>>> On Mar 29, 11:42 am, Brian MacWhinney <m... at> wrote:
>>>> Dear Info-CHILDES,
>>>> I was happy to notice this morning that the number of "hits" to the CHILDES home page since 2003 passed the one million mark sometime this last weekend. In this age of trillion dollar deficits and terabyte drives, a million may seem a small number. However, for a small academic discipline, it is not bad at all. Also, I have noticed that the number of hits to the web page seems to be an accelerating function, which is another nice signal.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> -- Brian MacWhinney
>>> --
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