Exposure to native language questionnaire
mariateresa.guasti at unimib.it
Tue Feb 22 09:07:53 UTC 2011
Dear Caroline,
hello. It is a long time we did not see each other.
I would be interested in your questionnaire. Can you send
me the excel file?
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:09:14 +0000
Caroline Floccia <caroline at carolinefloccia.info> wrote:
> Dear Pascale,
> At the University of Plymouth, we have developed a
>questionnaire last year,
> which allows you to calculate the percentage of exposure
>to English from
> data such as the number of hours the child sleeps at
>night, what language
> each parent uses most often to talk to the child, how
>many hours the child
> spends with each parent alone, etc. We are currently
>writing a paper in
> which we show that the performances of 30-month-olds in
>various English
> tests can be predicted by their score in the exposure
>questionnaire. If you
> are interested, I can send it to you, in its current
>state it is an excel
> file, very easy to fill in.
> Best regards,
> Caroline Floccia, Allegra Cattani (University of
> Kirsten Abbot-Smith (University of Kent)
>Frederique Arreckx (Universite de Tours)
> Andrea Krott (University of Birmingham)
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 8:51 AM, Pascale Engel
> <pascaleengel at googlemail.com>wrote:
>> Dear Info – CHILDES,
>> I am running a study in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
>> bilingual Portuguese speaking immigrant children. I am
>> interested to know whether the amount and/or the quality
>>of the
>> exposure to the native language in the home affects a)
>> performance in their first language Portuguese and b)
>> performance in their second language Luxembourgish.
>> Ideally I would like to use some sort of questionnaire
>>that I could
>> give to parents to get an idea of the amount and the
>>quality of
>> exposure to the native language in the home. I am not
>>aware of any
>> existing questionnaire but before designing something
>>from scratch I
>> thought I would ask the Group for some feed-back. Any
>>suggestions are
>> greatly appreciated.
>> Many thanks in advance
>> ---------------------------------------
>> Pascale Engel de Abreu - PhD
>> Postdoctoral Research Fellow
>> University of Luxembourg - EMACS
>> B.P.2 L-7201 Walferdange
>> G.D. de Luxembourg
>> --
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> --
> Dr. Caroline Floccia
> Reader (Associate Professor)
> PSQ A213
> School of Psychology
> University of Plymouth
> Drake Circus
> Devon PL4 8AA
> tel: (+0044) 1752 584822
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