Screening checklists for comprehension for c 36 months
Kirsten Abbot-Smith
K.Abbot-Smith at
Tue May 15 06:52:05 UTC 2012
Many thanks, Isabelle. I had a look at the website and it took me through to the Language Development Survey. But as far as I am aware, this only looks at language production, right? I'm looking for a checklist screening method which would pick up children whose receptive language is apparently poorer than their productive language (I know this is not so common, but they exist) as well as those children who are delayed in both productive and receptive language (which kindergarten teachers seem to find easier to spot).
But maybe this measure does not exist / is impossible to get kindergarten teachers to complete in a reliable manner?
From: info-childes at [info-childes at] on behalf of isa barriere [barriere.isa at]
Sent: 15 May 2012 02:18
To: info-childes at
Subject: Re: Screening checklists for comprehension for c 36 months
Hi Kirsten,
Here in the US, the recommendation for Head Start programs (preschool programs that receive federal support) includes:
- Brigance developmental screening
- Age and Stage Questionnaire (a Spanish version exists)
that includes lexical, grammatical, visuo-spatial and motor subtests.
On this website you can find more info on these tools:
I hope this helps,
Isabelle Barriere, PhD
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Kirsten Abbot-Smith <K.Abbot-Smith at<mailto:K.Abbot-Smith at>> wrote:
Dear all,
Does anyone know of the existence of any parental or kindergarten teacher checklists for language comprehension in children aged c. 36 months?
I'm thinking of feasibility of asking kindergarten or preschool teachers to complete very short comprehension screening instruments containing items such as:
Does child understand instructions with about four main words in, for example "sit teddy on the box" or "kick the big red ball"
Does child follow two-part instructions e.g. "Get your socks and put them in the basket"
Does child understand simple Wh- question words such as 'who' and where
Does child answer simple questions about objects e.g. "which one do we eat with"?
Does child understand concepts of size for example 'big / little'
Many thanks in advance,
Child Development Unit
School of Psychology
University of Kent
Room A2.4 Keynes College
Tel: (0044 1227) 823016
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