fun things kids say as first class attention grabbers
fraibetaveledo at
Wed Aug 21 19:03:12 UTC 2013
My Spanish student , 7;00 , who was bilingual in French and English and was learning Spanish said once:
Esa voitura roja pasó cerca , meaning " that red car passed close (to us)"
She didn't remember the word in Spanish for car", "coche" , so she used the french word, voiture, which is feminine, and perfectly use the feminine adjectives for agreement in Spanish.
I hope it helps
Fraibet Aveledo
ESRC Centre for Bilingualism, Bangor University, UK
Newcastle University , UK
Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela
On 21/08/2013, at 11:05, walesgin <walesgin at> wrote:
> You can also find many examples in my chapter in the Bowerman festschrift volume. Here are just a few randomly selected examples, from my daughter and grandchildren:
> Rachel:
> R: Who’s the marveloust cat in the world?
> M:What? [not knowing if there’s a /t/ at end]
> [R repeats above 2 times].
> M: What?
> R:Who’s the best ( marveloust) cat in the world?
> [M asks R to say it slowly].
> [R says slowly 3 times, last time: ]
> R: Who is the mar—ve—lous—t cat in the world? 5;5.17
> Sadie:
> [Sadie on toilet:] I think I’m gonna use up a gallon of that toilet paper! 4;2.2
> Saul:
> (36) Saul 4;11.12
> S: You have 10 fingers and I have 10.
> M: So who has more?
> S: You.
> M: I have more?
> S: Yes, because yours are bigger. I mean just look at them!
> Sadie:
> V: [on phone to S, near Christmas time] Did you put up a Christmas tree?
> S: No. We put a tree in the house.
> 3;5.26
> Sadie:
> S: I so wish we could get that thing out of my butt!
> M: The poop?
> S: Yeah!
> 3;1.21
> Sadie:
> How old I am is S-A-D-I-E. My name is S-A-D-I-E. 3;2.14
> Sadie:
> [V sent Sadie package full of hair clips at Halloween time. Sadie mentioning how much fun it was to open up the package:]
> It was so much fun. It was 20 fun! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. It takes a long time to get to 20. 3;4.8
> Is everybody as tired as I am? I’m 150 tired…I’m 199 tired. 3;9.22
> You’re very lucky. You’re 20 hundred and 750 lucky. 3;9.24
> [V and Sadie discussing how Sadie was “lost” at a park one time:]
> V: But Sadie wasn’t worried. Not one teensy bit.
> S: Not even 2. Not even 3. Not even 4. Not even 5…bit. 3;9.24
> For more examples and explanations, see:
> Gathercole, Virginia C. Mueller. 2010. "It was so much fun. It was 20 fun!" Cognitive and linguistic invitations to the development of scalar predicates. In V. C. M. Gathercole (Editor), Routes to language: Studies in honor of Melissa Bowerman. N.Y.: Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis. 319-443.
> V. C. Mueller Gathercole
> Professor of Linguistics
> Florida International University
> "Always credit the PHOTOGRAPHER."
> On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 9:47 AM, Elena Nicoladis <elenan at> wrote:
>> My 3.5 French-English bilingual daughter announced one day (in English), "I have a spicy bum!"
>> Took us hours to figure out that she meant that she meant that she had an itchy bum (spicy = piquant (Fr); piquer (Fr) = to itch).
>> Elena
>> On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Roberta Golinkoff <Roberta at> wrote:
>>> Great idea! Will you please share when you collect these?
>>> My grandchild looked down his mom's shirt at her cleavage and said, "That a butt?" He had a gap that needed filling...
>>> Best, Roberta
>>> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 10:44 PM, Bruno <brunilda at> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I like to use attention grabbers the first day of class in my language acquisition courses. I usually mention the fis phenomenon, McNeill and Braine on negative evidence, and some fun errors (for example from Erika Hoff's and Eve Clark's books, with attribution). Students laugh and become really interested in figuring out why kids say the darnedest things.
>>>> I was wondering if somebody can share examples that can be used this way or if people have some favorite ones they use.
>>>> Thanks all.
>>>> Bruno
>>>> Bruno Estigarribia
>>>> Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
>>>> Research Assistant Professor of Psychology, Cognitive Science Program
>>>> Affiliate Faculty, Global Studies
>>>> University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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>>> Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph. D.
>>> Unidel H. Rodney Sharp Professor
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>>> Author of "A Mandate for Playful Learning in Preschool: Presenting the Evidence" (Oxford)
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>>> The late Mary Dunn said, "Life is the time we have to learn."
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>> Elena Nicoladis
>> "Since all the sciences, and especially psychology, are still immersed in such tremendous realms of the uncertain and the unknown, the best that any individual scientist, especially any psychologist, can do seems to be to follow his own gleam and his own bent, however inadequate they may be. In fact, I suppose that actually this is what we all do. In the end, the only sure criterion is to have fun."
>> Edward Tolman
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