Help: let them speak or sign their language
Bruno Estigarribia
brunilda at
Tue Dec 10 15:31:45 UTC 2013
Very well spoken, Gisela.
Bruno Estigarribia
UNC Chapel Hill
> Thank you Gisela for your own input!
> Best,
> Aliyah
> Le 10 déc. 2013 à 16:13, Gisela Szagun a écrit :
>> Hi Aliyah,
>> reading and feeling inspired by Ignazio's message, I would like to
>> join this exchange somewhat belatedly. I would like to make two
>> points regarding language development in children with CI and draw a
>> conclusion as to why sign language may be useful for these children.
>> 1) For some time now we have known that the development of spoken
>> language in children with CI is characterized by an enormous
>> variability. Individual children vary to an extent which is not
>> observed in typical development (although variability is large there,
>> as well). This holds irrespective of age at implantation. Children
>> implanted before the age of 24 months may - as a group - have a
>> slight advantage over children implanted thereafter, but they display
>> the same variability. This also applies to children implanted in the
>> first year of life.
>> We do not know enough about the many different factors which
>> influence the spoken language development of children with CI over
>> time to make reliable predictions about outcomes at the time of
>> implantation. Typically, only around 50% of the variance in outcomes
>> is explained.
>> 2) Studies which emphasize the effect of age at implantation claiming
>> a linear relationship between age at implantation and progress in
>> language according to "the earlier the better" typically have not
>> controlled for all the other known factors influencing the children's
>> language development. In particular, they have not looked at the
>> influence of the children's linguistic environment/input. We found
>> in one study that, if one looks at the relative influence of age at
>> implantation (when this is between 6 and 34 months) and parental
>> language input, the quality of parental language input explains a far
>> greater proportion of the variance in outcomes than age at implantation:
>> Szagun, G. & Stumper, B. (2012). Age or experience? The influence of
>> age at implantation, social and linguistic environment on language
>> development in children with cochlear implants. /Journal of Speech,
>> Language, and Hearing Research, 55, /1640-1654/./
>> In view of the uncertainty facing parents about their child's spoken
>> language development, it seems wise to give the child the opportunity
>> to grow up with signed and spoken language, if parents wish to choose
>> this path. In my 15 years of research on spoken language development
>> in children with CI in Germany I have seen too many children who at
>> the age of five years still had not gone beyond two word utterances
>> (despite early implantation). I have also seen many who were almost
>> indistinguishable from children with typical language development at
>> the age of four years. The point is: we cannot predict. Young
>> children need a symbolic system. There should - and there does not
>> have to be - a single child with only two word utterances at five
>> years of age. The modality of this system is not of concern, but the
>> lack of it is. Children with CI cannot lose out if they are
>> bilingual/bimodal, but they can lose out severely if the development
>> of a symbolic system is hampered. This is why, in my view, parents
>> have every right to enable bilinguality for their children.
>> Best wishes,
>> Gisela
>> On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 6:52 AM, Aliyah MORGENSTERN
>> <aliyah.morgenstern at <mailto:aliyah.morgenstern at>>
>> wrote:
>> Thank you Denis!
>> Best,
>> Aliyah
>> Le 10 déc. 2013 à 00:22, Denis Donovan a écrit :
>>> Actually, 3 years may be VERY VERY late. Consider:
>>> Bergelson, Elika & Swingley, Daniel (2013). At 6–9 months, human
>>> infants know the meanings of many common nouns. Proceedings of
>>> the National Academy of Science. PNAS Early Edition,
>>> <> and
>>> (120913).
>>> Our findings indicate that native-language learning in the
>>> second half of the first year goes beyond the acquisition of
>>> sound structure. The fact that even 6- to 7-mo-olds learn words
>>> suggests that conceptual and linguistic categories may influence
>>> one an- other in development from the beginning (36) and that
>>> aspects of meaning are available to guide other linguistic
>>> inferences cur- rently thought to depend only on distributional
>>> analysis of pho- nological regularities (37, 38). Understanding
>>> word meaning could also support the acquisition of syntax by
>>> guiding infants’ inferences about how nouns and words from other
>>> word classes are placed in sentences. Precocious word learning
>>> also helps explain why hearing-impaired infants identified for
>>> fitting with cochlear implants before 6 mo reveal better
>>> language skills at 2 y than children identified just a few
>>> months later: 6-mo-olds who can hear are already learning words
>>> (39).
>>> Best,
>>> Denis Donovan
>>> Denis M. Donovan, M.D., M.Ed., F.A.P.S.
>>> Director, EOCT Institute
>>> Medical Director, 1983 - 2006
>>> The Children's Center for Developmental Psychiatry
>>> St. Petersburg, Florida
>>> P.O Box 47576
>>> St. Petersburg, FL 33743-7576
>>> Phone:727-641-8905 <tel:727-641-8905>
>>> DenisDonovan at
>>> <mailto:DenisDonovan at>
>>> dmdonovan1937 at <mailto:dmdonovan1937 at>
>>> On Dec 9, 2013, at 3:32 PM, Aliyah MORGENSTERN wrote:
>>>> thanks a lot!
>>>> Le 9 déc. 2013 à 13:45, Isa Barriere a écrit :
>>>>> Salut Aliyah,
>>>>> Here you are:
>>>>> deborah.pichler at
>>>>> <mailto:deborah.pichler at>
>>>>> Isabelle
>>>>> On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Isa Barriere
>>>>> <barriere.isa at <mailto:barriere.isa at>> wrote:
>>>>> Deb Chen Pichler/Gallaudet presented a co-authored paper
>>>>> at BU this year that speaks to this issue:
>>>>> Spoken language development in native signing children
>>>>> with cochlear implants
>>>>> /K. Davidson, D. Lillo-Martin, D. Chen Pichler/
>>>>> /
>>>>> /
>>>>> /Their results show that children exposed to ASL from
>>>>> birth do not suffer from lg and cognitive delay observed
>>>>> in children with CI without ASL exposure. /
>>>>> /Isabelle Barriere, PhD/
>>>>> /
>>>>> /
>>>>> On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 7:51 PM, Erika Hoff
>>>>> <erikachoff at <mailto:erikachoff at>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> I am replying by repeating what deaf acquaintances of
>>>>> mine have said to me. To wit, If you are deaf you
>>>>> should learn sign because
>>>>> (a) when you take your implant off to swim, shower,
>>>>> etc. you are deaf.
>>>>> (b) someday you may have an infection or something may
>>>>> happen so that your cochlear implant will not work or
>>>>> be tolerable, and then you will be deaf.
>>>>> (c) cochlear implants have variable outcomes.
>>>>> Simultaneous sign may help when the auditory signal
>>>>> doesn't quite do it.
>>>>> Erika Hoff
>>>>> On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Roberta Golinkoff
>>>>> <Roberta at <mailto:Roberta at>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Aliyah!
>>>>> Sorry to be late in joining the party!
>>>>> For your first question, here are 3 papers that
>>>>> make the clear case that the earlier the
>>>>> implantation for deaf kids the better. If
>>>>> implantation is done early, the use of sign may
>>>>> become moot -- children are also offered therapy.
>>>>> However, if implantation is done later, it would
>>>>> seem clear that they should be offered sign ASAP.
>>>>> I have no trouble with the notion of
>>>>> bilingual-bimodal as long as kids are flooded with
>>>>> oral input and not told to turn off their devices,
>>>>> a practice I have heard of.
>>>>> For your second questions, there will be an SRCD
>>>>> Social Policy report:
>>>>> McCabe, A., Tamis-LeMonda, C.S., Bornstein, M. H.,
>>>>> Cates, D. B., Golinkoff, R. M., Hirsh-Pasek, K.,
>>>>> Hoff, E., Kuchirko, Y., Melzi, G., Mendelsohn, A.,
>>>>> Paez, M., Song, L, & Guerra, A. W. (In press).
>>>>> Multilingual children: Beyond myths and towards
>>>>> best practices./Social Policy Report, /Society for
>>>>> Research in Child Development. It will hopefully
>>>>> come out early in 2014.
>>>>> We addressed four questions:
>>>>> 1. What are the broad social and historical
>>>>> contexts of multilingual learners in the United
>>>>> States?
>>>>> 2. What does a multilingual family look like?
>>>>> 3. What lessons learned with monolingual children
>>>>> can be applied to multilingual children?
>>>>> 4. What contexts support learning multiple languages?
>>>>> I think this will be very helpful to you Aliyah,
>>>>> when it emerges.
>>>>> All best and happy holidays to you and all my
>>>>> other language friends!
>>>>> Roberta
>>>>> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 9:16 PM, Eileen Graf
>>>>> <eileen.graf at
>>>>> <mailto:eileen.graf at>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Aliyah,
>>>>> You might find these helpful:
>>>>> [1] Place, Silvia & Hoff, Erika (2011).
>>>>> Properties of Dual Language Exposure That
>>>>> Influence 2-Year-Olds’ Bilingual Proficiency.
>>>>> Child Development:
>>>>> /[2] Davidson, Kathryn, Lillo-Martin, Diane &
>>>>> Chen Pichler (in press). Spoken English
>>>>> language measures of native signing children
>>>>> with cochlear implants. Journal of Deaf
>>>>> Studies and Deaf Education
>>>>> <>./
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Eileen
>>>>> On 26 November 2013 15:01, Marinova-Todd,
>>>>> Stefka <stefka at
>>>>> <mailto:stefka at>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Aliyah,
>>>>> I am not aware of papers that speak to
>>>>> your first question, i.e., sign language,
>>>>> although there are probably some.
>>>>> Regarding your second question, there are
>>>>> a few, mostly qualitative studies done on
>>>>> the effect (usually negative) of the
>>>>> recommendation by professionals to parents
>>>>> of bilingual children with autism to speak
>>>>> only one language (usually English in the
>>>>> North American context):
>>>>> 1) Jegatheesan, B. (2011). Multilingual
>>>>> development in children with autism:
>>>>> Perspectives of South Asian Muslim
>>>>> immigrant parents on raising a child with
>>>>> a communicative disorder in multilingual
>>>>> contexts. Bilingual Research Journal, 34,
>>>>> 185-200.
>>>>> 2) Kay‐Raining Bird, E., Lamond, E., &
>>>>> Holden, J. (2012). Survey of bilingualism
>>>>> in autism spectrum disorders.
>>>>> International Journal of Language &
>>>>> Communication Disorders, 47, 52-64.
>>>>> 3) Kremer-Sadlik, T. (2005). To be or not
>>>>> to be bilingual: Autistic children from
>>>>> multilingual families. In J. Cohen, K. T.
>>>>> McAlister, K. Rolstad, & J. MacSwan
>>>>> (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th
>>>>> International Symposium on Bilingualism
>>>>> (pp. 1225-1234). Somerville, MA:
>>>>> Cascadilla Press.
>>>>> 4) Yu, B. (2013). Issues in bilingualism
>>>>> and heritage language maintenance:
>>>>> Perspectives of minority-language mothers
>>>>> of children with autism spectrum
>>>>> disorders. American Journal of
>>>>> Speech-Language Pathology, 22, 10-24.
>>>>> I hope those are of use to you.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Stefka
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: info-childes at
>>>>> <mailto:info-childes at>
>>>>> [mailto:info-childes at
>>>>> <mailto:info-childes at>] On
>>>>> Behalf Of Aliyah MORGENSTERN
>>>>> Sent: November 26, 2013 1:55 PM
>>>>> To: info-childes at
>>>>> <mailto:info-childes at>
>>>>> Subject: Help: let them speak or sign
>>>>> their language
>>>>> Dear info-childes,
>>>>> I need to find good scientific proof it
>>>>> you think it is relevant and exists that
>>>>> 1) it is better for deaf children (even
>>>>> if they get cochlear implants quite young)
>>>>> or children who because of some rare
>>>>> patholgoy cannot speak (like Cornelia de
>>>>> Lange Syndrome) to be "given" a sign
>>>>> language a soon a possible and to be
>>>>> raised bilingual (bimodal);
>>>>> 2) it is better for immigrant parents to
>>>>> speak their native language to their
>>>>> children (unless they are strong
>>>>> psychological or other reasons not to)
>>>>> rather than a language they are not
>>>>> experts in and for primary school teachers
>>>>> not to put pressure on the parents for
>>>>> them to only speak the language of the
>>>>> country they live in;
>>>>> Any good papers (if possible the actual
>>>>> paper) or references welcome especially if
>>>>> they treat both those issues together!
>>>>> Happy Thanksgiving to our American
>>>>> colleagues and Happy Chanukah to our
>>>>> Jewish colleagues (and whoever celebrates
>>>>> those holidays). Sorry if I don't know
>>>>> about other holidays coming up in the next
>>>>> few days!
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Aliyah
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>>>>> Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph. D.
>>>>> Unidel H. Rodney Sharp Professor
>>>>> School of Education and Departments of Psychology
>>>>> and Linguistics and Cognitive Science
>>>>> University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716
>>>>> Office: 302-831-1634 <tel:302-831-1634>; Fax:
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>>>>> Web page:
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Author of "A Mandate for Playful Learning in
>>>>> Preschool: Presenting the Evidence" (Oxford)
>>>>> Please check out our doctoral program at
>>>>> The late Mary Dunn said, "Life is the time we have
>>>>> to learn."
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>>>>> Erika Hoff, Professor
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>> Prof Gisela Szagun PhD BSc
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