overgeneralization of -en
Gordon, Peter
pgordon at tc.edu
Tue Mar 12 17:26:37 UTC 2013
Hi Misha,
There is an appendix in Gordon & Chafetz that lists all of the passives
used by parents of the Brown kids (I can send you a copy if you need one).
It looks like -en forms constitute less than about 5% just eye balling it.
In terms of which verbs take -en forms, they appear to all be irregular
past tense verbs (*broken, worn, eaten* etc.). Although not all irregular
verbs take the -en passive, none of the irregulars seem to take the -ed
passive form, so if they don't take the -en passive, then they take their
past tense form for the passive participle (e.g. *caught*) or an
abbreviated -en such as *thrown*, and *blown*.
Peter Gordon
On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Becker, Misha K <mbecker at email.unc.edu>wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> (apologies if this is duplicated--I tried to send this message yesterday
> but don't think it went through.)
> I've noticed lately that my almost-3-year-old overgeneralizes the -en
> suffix on passive participles. For example, she has said things like "This
> one didn't get cutten" and "I need to be scooten" (=scooted closer to the
> table). And I've heard her say "putten" before. I recall reading examples
> of this sort in the Crain, et al. (1987) study of children's passives, but
> I'm wondering if anyone has specifically looked at this morphological
> overgeneralization. How common is it? I'm also wondering how frequent these
> forms are in the input (as opposed to -ed or -0 participles). Has anyone
> looked at this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Misha
> --
> Misha Becker
> Associate Professor
> UNC Linguistics Department
> 301 Smith Building, CB#3155
> Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3155
> mbecker at email.unc.edu
> --
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Peter Gordon, Associate Professor
1155 Thorndike Hall
Teachers College, Columbia University, Box 180
525 W120th St.
New York, NY 10027
Phone: 212 678-8162
Fax: 212 678-8233
E-mail: pgordon at tc.edu
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