Help: let them speak or sign their language
Eileen Graf
eileen.graf at
Wed Nov 27 02:16:41 UTC 2013
Dear Aliyah,
You might find these helpful:
[1] Place, Silvia & Hoff, Erika (2011). Properties of Dual Language
Exposure That Influence 2-Year-Olds’ Bilingual Proficiency. Child
*[2] Davidson, Kathryn, Lillo-Martin, Diane & Chen Pichler (in press).
Spoken English language measures of native signing children with cochlear
implants. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
On 26 November 2013 15:01, Marinova-Todd, Stefka
<stefka at>wrote:
> Dear Aliyah,
> I am not aware of papers that speak to your first question, i.e., sign
> language, although there are probably some.
> Regarding your second question, there are a few, mostly qualitative
> studies done on the effect (usually negative) of the recommendation by
> professionals to parents of bilingual children with autism to speak only
> one language (usually English in the North American context):
> 1) Jegatheesan, B. (2011). Multilingual development in children with
> autism: Perspectives of South Asian Muslim immigrant parents on raising a
> child with a communicative disorder in multilingual contexts. Bilingual
> Research Journal, 34, 185-200.
> 2) Kay‐Raining Bird, E., Lamond, E., & Holden, J. (2012). Survey of
> bilingualism in autism spectrum disorders. International Journal of
> Language & Communication Disorders, 47, 52-64.
> 3) Kremer-Sadlik, T. (2005). To be or not to be bilingual: Autistic
> children from multilingual families. In J. Cohen, K. T. McAlister, K.
> Rolstad, & J. MacSwan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International
> Symposium on Bilingualism (pp. 1225-1234). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
> 4) Yu, B. (2013). Issues in bilingualism and heritage language
> maintenance: Perspectives of minority-language mothers of children with
> autism spectrum disorders. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology,
> 22, 10-24.
> I hope those are of use to you.
> Best,
> Stefka
> -----Original Message-----
> From: info-childes at [mailto:info-childes at]
> On Behalf Of Aliyah MORGENSTERN
> Sent: November 26, 2013 1:55 PM
> To: info-childes at
> Subject: Help: let them speak or sign their language
> Dear info-childes,
> I need to find good scientific proof it you think it is relevant and
> exists that
> 1) it is better for deaf children (even if they get cochlear implants
> quite young) or children who because of some rare patholgoy cannot speak
> (like Cornelia de Lange Syndrome) to be "given" a sign language a soon a
> possible and to be raised bilingual (bimodal);
> 2) it is better for immigrant parents to speak their native language to
> their children (unless they are strong psychological or other reasons not
> to) rather than a language they are not experts in and for primary school
> teachers not to put pressure on the parents for them to only speak the
> language of the country they live in;
> Any good papers (if possible the actual paper) or references welcome
> especially if they treat both those issues together!
> Happy Thanksgiving to our American colleagues and Happy Chanukah to our
> Jewish colleagues (and whoever celebrates those holidays). Sorry if I don't
> know about other holidays coming up in the next few days!
> Best,
> Aliyah
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