new spanish book in psychology of language
Martha Rayas
mrayas18 at
Mon Feb 3 18:36:06 UTC 2014
Is this in electronic version too? I am interested in having the complete
Thank you very much!
On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 2:18 AM, MIQUEL SERRA RAVENTOS
<miquel.serra at>wrote:
> Dear info-childes people, with special reference to the spanish speakers
> We are pleased to announce the publication of a new Spanish textbook on
> Communication and Language for psychologists, speech therapist and clinical
> linguists: *Comunicación y lenguaje: La neuropsicología cognitiva*, by
> Miquel Serra (2013, 2 vols., 900 pages).
> This book offers a framework to develop our understanding about the
> biological and social bases of human communication. In its theoretical
> approach, language is considered to be a natural but symbolic system of
> organizing information in well interconnected components, as the cognitive
> linguistics suggests.
> Two volumes textbook are planned for graduate level students or final year
> undergraduates. They provide experimental data and examples from a number
> of studies, directs students to personal work, and provides web addresses
> for further in-depth study as well.
> I vol:
> 2 vol:
> Cruz Artidiello
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