ORAGE 2001: Orality and Gestuality. Aix-en-Provence, Francia, June 18-22, 2001

Carlos Subirats-Rüggeberg subirats at ICSI.BERKELEY.EDU
Thu Jul 27 23:50:33 UTC 2000

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          Congreso "ORAGE 2001, Orality and Gestuality"
           Aix-en-Provence (France), June 18 - 22, 2001
              De: mailto:orage2001 at lpl.univ-aix.fr

              ORAGE 2001: Orality and Gestuality
           Aix-en-Provence, Francia, June 18-22, 2001

ORAGE 2001 is in straight line with the ORAGE' 98 conference - ORAlité
et  Gestualité - Communication Multimodale, Interaction, Santi S.,
Guaïtella I., Cavé C., Konopczynski G. (eds), 1998, l'Harmattan, Paris.
Its objective is to  promote the importance of a multimodal approach in
the study of communication. The major theme of this meeting is the use
of voice and gestures in the management of interactive time and space.
The emergence of this set of topics and the increasing research in
gestural and vocal studies led to the foundation of the GeVoix
association which is organizing this conference with the Laboratoire
Parole et Langage (CNRS ESA 6057) at the Université de Provence.

- International Conference Languages: French, English

- Abstracts submission and deadlines:
* September 15, 2000: Deadline for the submission of abstracts.
* Maximum 1 page, specify author's and co-author's first and last
  names, address, and a maximum of 4 keywords.
* Send 3 paper copies of the abstract by regular mail,
  or an e-mail attachment (RTF format).
* December 1, 2000 : Notification of approval of abstracts.
* March 1, 2001 : Deadline for the submission of papers
  (in English or French).

- Topics:
* Ethology of human communication
* Animal and cross-species communication
* Communicative gestures (speech-synchronized gestures,
  sign language...)
* Voice (prosody...)
* Relationship between gestures and voice, bimodality
* Multimodality and mental representations
* Production and perception of voice and gesture
* Semiotic models for voice and gesture analysis
* Artistic practices of voice and gesture
* Universals and cultural variations
* Social contexts and interaction
* Pathological and therapeutic contexts (speech therapy...)
* Developmental approaches
* Evolution of language and communication
* Expression of emotions
* Methodology, instrumentation and technology in voice and
  gesture analysis
  (virtual reality, neuroimaging techniques...)

- Scientific Committee:
R. Allott, D. Autesserre, C. Cavé, C. Cuxac, B. Cyrulnik,
M. Faraco, P. Feyereisen, A. Giacomi, I. Guaïtella, U. Hadar,
J.M. Hombert, R. Jarvella, A .Kendon, D.R. Ladd, J. Laver,
M. Magnusson, D. Massaro, C. Maury-Rouan, D. McNeill,
J. Montredon, J. Ohala, I. Poggi, M. Rossi, S. Santi,
T.A. Sebeok, J. Vauclair.

- Organizing Committee:
I. Guaïtella: President
S. Santi: General secretary
D. Autesserre, O. Bagou, M. Baudoin, J. Boyer, C. Cavé,
R. Cruz, M.-H. Faivre, M. Faraco, T. Kida, B. Lagrue,
A. Lejeune, C. Maury-Rouan, C. Paboudjian, C. Portes

- This Conference is supported by:
The International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS)
La Société Française d'Acoustique (SFA)

- Contact:
Colloque ORAGE' 2001
Laboratoire Parole et Langage
Université de Provence
29, av. R. Schuman
13621 Aix-en-Provence  Cedex 1 - France

phone: +33  (0)4 42 95 36 37
fax: +33 (0)4 42 59 50 96 (specify "colloque ORAGE 2001")
e-mail: orage2001 at lpl.univ-aix.fr
internet: http://www.lpl.univ-aix.fr/~gevoix/ORAGE2001

- Fees:

* Before December 31, 2000:
Registration: 1000 FF (152.45 euros )
Students: 500 FF (76.22 euros )
Registration  (GeVoix members): 700 FF (106.71 euros )
Students (GeVoix members): 200 FF (30.49 euros )

* After December 31, 2000:
Registration: 1300 FF (198.18 euros )
Students: 600 FF (91.47 euros )
Registration  (GeVoix members): 1000 FF (152.45 euros )
Students (GeVoix members): 300 FF (45.73 euros )
[rate: 1 euro = 6,55957 FF]

Caution: Student fees do not include proceedings. A limited
number of proceedings will be available for purchase on site.
They will also be found in bookstores after the conference.

Registration fees include :the participation to the conference,
the proceedings published by L'Harmattan - Paris (not included
in students fees), coffee breaks.

Details about modalities of payment will be specified later.
For further information, you may visit our web site or contact us.

Los artículos de INFOLING son distribuidos gracias al apoyo y colaboración
técnica de RedIRIS - Red Académica española - (http://www.rediris.es)

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