Acquisition of Spanish & Portugues/Hispanic Linguistics
Eulalia de Bobes Soler
Eulalia.DeBobes at UAB.ES
Mon Sep 10 10:33:33 UTC 2001
INFOLING. Lista moderada de lingüística española (ISSN: 1576-3404)
Envío de información: mailto:infoling-request at
Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg <Carlos.Subirats at >
Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <mcruz at>
Eulalia de Bobes Soler, UAB <Eulalia.deBobes at>
Alexandra Álvarez, U. de Los Andes <xandra at>
Lídia Moya, UAB <Lidia.Moya at>
Blanca Pascual, UAB <Blanca.Pascual at>
Programa de la "4th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and
October 11, 12, 13 and 14, 2001
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
Información de Silvina Montrul, mailto:montrul at
difundida por The Linguist List,
Acquisition of Spanish & Portugues/Hispanic Linguistics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
October 11, 12, 13 and 14, 2001
Thursday, October 11
5:00 Registration
7:00 Opening remarks
Silvina Montrul/ Francisco Ordóñez
John Wilcox, Head SIP
Jesse Delia, Dean LAS
7:30 Plenary 1: Diane Musumeci
Reality Bytes: Human factors in the evaluation of instructional
technology and the learning of Spanish
8:30 Opening Reception
Friday, October 12
8:00 Registration (ongoing until 12:00)
Sessions 1 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
8:30 Sobre los correlatos acústicos del acento: nuevos datos. Luis
Candia, University of Missouri-Kansas City
9:00 Sound as symbolic gesture and its effect on lexical access time:
Spanish sonidos. Stuart E. Bernstein and Richard E. Morris, Middle
Tennessee State University
9:30 Effort-based account of Spanish spirantization. Carlos Eduardo
Piñeros, University of Iowa
10:00 Effects of syntactic constituency on the intonational marking of
Spanish contrastive focus. Timothy Face, University of Minnesota
Acquisition Spanish & Portuguese A
8:30 Command and the acquisition of subject and object in Brazilian
portuguese. Ruth Elisabeth Vasconcellos Lopes, Universidad Federal de
Santa Catarina, Brazil
9:00 Interpreting reference in the early acquisition of Spanish
clitics. Laura Domínguez, Boston University
9:30 The acquisition of clitics in Child Spanish. Ema Ticio & Lara
Reglero, University of Connecticut
10:00 The Acquisition of clitics in L2 Spanish: A discourse/functional
perspective of NP vs. clitics. Jenna Torres, Cornell University
Acquisition Spanish & Portuguese B
8:30 Simplified input meets Dick and Jane: Gender differences in
processing second language input. Terri Greenslade-Felix, St. Olaf
9:00 The analysis of oral self-correction as a window into the
development of past time reference. Joaquim Camps, University of Florida
9:30 Learner readiness and instructional type in L2 Spanish Stage
Development. Kristina McCollam Wiebe, University of Illinois, UC
10:00 A qualitative analysis of student responses to negative feedback
in L2 Spanish. Maritza Bell Corrales, Georgia Southern University
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Plenary 2: Conxita Lleó. Child Prosody and filler syllables:
Looking into Spanish through the optimal window of acquisition
12:00 Lunch Break
1:15 Plenary 3: Juan Uriagereka. Adjectival Clues
2:15 Short Break
Sessions 2 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
2:30 New evidence on the subjecthood issue of presentational haber
Rosa Junia García & Esthela Treviño,Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana,
Iztapalapa México
3:00 Psych verb in Spanish leísta dialects. Jon Franco & Susana
Huidobro, University of Deusto, Spain
3:30 Dialectal Variation and diachronic shifts with the preposition +
subject + infinitive. Mark Davies, Illinois State University
Acquisition Spanish & Portuguese A
2:30 Prosodic patterns in structural ambiguity resolution. Paola
Dussias & Mónica Prieto Penn State University & University of
3:00 Grammatical information in the lexicon of the L2 learner. Louise
Neary, University of Illinois, UC
3:30 Second Language stress production: Rules, Analogy or lexical
storage? Gillian Lord, University of Florida
Acquisition Spanish & Portuguese B
2:30 L2 Knowledge of Spanish verb agreement and word order. Joyce
Bruhn de Garavito, The University of Western Ontario
3:00 Pragmatically deviant forms in adult Spanish-English Bilinguals.
Samuel Navarro Ortega, Elena Nicoladis & Johanne Paradis, University of
3:30 Grammar learning in SLA: Competition, Constraint demotion and
Convergence. Larry LaFond, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
4:00 Coffee Break
Sessions 3
4:30 Interrogatives in Dominican Spanish. Erik Willis Millikin
University & University of Illinois,UC
5:00 The sociolinguistic distribution of LH in Uruguayan Portuguese: A
case of dialect diffusion. Ana Maria Carvalho, University of Arizona
5:30 Unary features in Spanish Phonology. Jorge Guitart, SUNY-Buffalo
Acquisition Spanish & Portuguese A
4:30 L2 development follows L1 path: Reflexive and oblique clitics in
Southern Quechua-Spanish. Susanne Kalt, University of Southern
California and MIT
5:00 Converging lexicons and converging syntactic systems in
bilinguals: Is contact with Spanish affecting the lexicon or the syntax
of Quechua? Liliana Sánchez, Rutgers University
5:30 Bilingual acquisition of Spanish and English by identical twins:
can eord-internal code-switching provide evidence for language
dominance? Todd Spradlin, Juana Liceras & Raquel Fernández Fuentes,
University of Ottawa
Acquisition of Spanish & Portuguese B
4:30 Acquisition and development of plural morphology in Spanish,
Victoria Marrero & Carmen Aguirre, Universidad de Educación a Distancia
(Madrid) & University of Vienna
5:00 The development of reference to space in a narrative task of a
Dpanish/English bilingual child from the age of 7 to 11. Esther-Ana
Alvarez, Universitat de Barcelona
5:30 The Acquisition of Mental State Terms I: Desire. The evidence
from Spanish. Leo Ferres, Carleton University
6:00 Short Break
6:15-7:15 Plenary 4: Carmen Silva-Corvalán
Linguistic consequences of impoverished input in bilingual first
language acquisition
7:30 Reception
Saturday, October 13
Sessions 4 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
8:30 Pragmatic maxism and anaphoric interpretation in Galician. Xosé
Rosales Sequeiros, University of Greenwich, UK
9:00 Interpretational participation in Spanish reformulative markers.
Chad Howe, Ohio State University
9:30 On the contextual licensing of tampoco. Scott Schwenter & Iker
Zulaica-Hernández, The Ohio State University
10:00 On Spanish dequeísmo: A cross-dialectal Study. Carlos del Moral,
University of Illinois, UC
Acquisition Spanish & Portuguese A
8:30 Deletion of finiteness: An avoid error-strategy in early child
language? María José Ezeizabarrena, Universidad del País Vasco
9:00 Uncovering default verbs in the acquisition of Catalan. Lisa
Davidson & Matthew Goldrick, John Hopkins University
9:30 The emergence of CP in child Spanish. Elda Elizondo & John
Grinstead, University of Northern Iowa
10:00 Ultimate attainment and the CP layer: Topic constructions in L2
Spanish. Elena Valenzuela, McGill University
Acquisition Spanish & Portuguese B
8:30 Native speaker variation and ultimate attainment of copula choice
in Spanish Kimberley Geeslin, Indiana University
9:00 A discourse analysis of temporal reference in the written Spanish
narratives of monolingual and bilingual Mexican students: A study of
development and transfer. Erica McClure, University of Illinois, UC
9:30 Representation of speech in Venezuelan children's narratives.
Martha Shiro, Universidad Central de Venezuela
10:00 Acquisition of phonological structure and sociolinguistic
variables: A quantitative analysis of Spanish consonant weakening in
Venezuelan children's speech. Manuel Díaz Campos, Carnegie Mellon
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Plenary 5: Lydia White. Perspectives on morphological
variability in SLA: the syntax/morphology interface.
12:00 Lunch Break
1:00 Poster Session.
* The effect of vowel quality and stress in consonant duration. Mónica
Prieto, University of Mississippi
* Is there a developmental sequence in the acquisition of grammatical
gender in Spanish? Dan Thornhill, University of Illinois at
* The effects of dictionary use on the vocabulary learning strategies
used by second language learners of Spanish, Hsien-jen, Chin,University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
* Spanish language skills in children with specific language impairment
(SLI) who learned Spanish as their primary language in preschool. María
Adelaida Restrepo, University of Georgia
* The sequential acquisition of Spanish gender marking. Irma Alarcón,
Indiana University
* The role of meta-skills in the acquisition of aspect. Donna West,
Trinity Christian College
* "Pedagogical investment" in the acquisition of Spanish as a second
language in academic contexts. Manel Lacorte, University of Maryland
* Chat-room interactions by intermediate learners of Spanish. María
Fidalgo-Eick, College of Charleston, South Carolina
Sessions 5 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
2:00 "Si tú me decís eso por algo será": a historical view of the use
of the second person of the singular in Uruguayan Spanish. Magdalena
Coll & Virginia Bertolotti, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
2:30 Determinative factors in Puerto Rican Spanish subject expression.
Carmen Jany, University of Zurich, Switzerland
3:00 Clitics, weak pronouns and other weaknesses. Luis Silva-Villar,
Mesa State College
Acquisition Spanish & Portuguese A
2:00 Interfaces and learnability: The case of L2 acquisition of Mood
in Spanish. Josep Quer, University of Amsterdam
2:30 L2 acquisition ant the grammar-discourse interface: Aspectual
shifts in L2 Spanish. Roumyana Slabakova & Silvina Montrul, University
of Iowa & University of Illinois, UC
3:30 Principles of economy and object drop in Spanish. Joyce Bruhn de
Garavito & Pedro Guijarro Fuentes, University of Western Ontario &
University of Plymouth
Acquisition Spanish & Portuguese B
2:00 Inhibitory effects of elaboration in Early L2 lexical
acquisition. Joe Barcroft, Washington University
2:30 Is SLA interactionist theory relevant to CALL? A study on the
effects of computer-mediated interaction in Spanish L2 vocabulary
acquisition. María José de la Fuente, Vanderbilt University
3:00 The role of type of task and task difficulty in computer-mediated
negotiation. Marisol Fernández García & Asunción Martínez Abeláiz,
State University
3:30 Coffee Break
Sessions 6 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
4:00 Definiteness and Indefineteness in relative clauses. Javier
Gutiérrez-Rexach & Enrique Mallón, Ohio State University & Texas A&M
4:30 Definite generics in Spanish. Emma Ticio, University of
5:00 Anaphora, information structure, and postverbal subjects in
Spanish. Raúl Aranovich, University of California, Davis
Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese A
4:00 Overgeneralization of causatives in the interlanguage of L1
English speakers of L2 Spanish. Mónica Cabrera & María Luisa
Zubizarreta, University of Southern California
4:30 Psych verbs and morphosyntactic development in instructed L2
Spanish. Paul Toth, University of Akron
5:00 The acquisition of Spanish telic se constructions. Sonia Suárez
Cepeda, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina
Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese B
4:00 Multicompetence and its effect in second language acquisition
research. Casilde Isabelli, University of Reno-Nevada
4:30 Interlanguage refusals: Exploring the pragmatic behavior of
Spanish L2 learners. César-Félix Brasdefer, University of Minnesota
5:00 Spanish use in a dual immersion classroom. Kim Potowski,
University of Illinois, Chicago
5:30 Short Break
5:45 Plenary 6: José Ignacio Hualde. Contact-induced change in
prosodic systems: When Basque pitch-accent meets Spanish stress.
6:45 Business Meeting
7:30-10:30 Organized Dinner and Social Hour
Sunday, October 14
9:00 Plenary 7: Susana López Ornat. Learning syllables, using
inconsistent representations and acquiring the Spanish NP
10:00 Coffee break
Sessions 7 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
10:30 Explaining clitic variation in Spanish. José Camacho & Liliana
Sánchez, Rutgers University
11:00 The syntax of wh-questions in Brazilian Portuguese. Glaucia
Silva, Ohio State University
11:30 Experiencer subject constructions in Spanish. Almeida J. Toribio,
Penn State University
Acquisition Spanish & Portuguese A
10:30 On the acquisition of Spanish Goal PPs. William Snyder & Diane
Lillo-Martin, University of Connecticut
11:00 The morphology and directionality of deverbal compounds in
non-native Spanish: A grammar-specific or an input-specific deficit?
Juana Liceras, Caroline Mongeon, Alejandro Cuza, Cristina Senn & Todd
Spradlin, University of Ottawa
11:30 The acquisition of Spanish deverbal nominals and compounds: A
preliminary comparison. Adriana Alvarez, María Fernanda Casares, María
Alejandra Olivares & Magdalena Zinkgraff, Universidad Nacional del
Comahue, Argentina
Acquisition Spanish & Portuguese B
10:30 Attention allocation to morphological cues during L2 sentence
processing: Evidence from Eye-movement. Nuria Sagarra & Paola Dussias,
University of New Mexico & Penn State University
11:00. The effects of mode and content familiarity on L2 Spanish
Learners' comprehension and processing grammatical form. Michael Leeser,
University of Illinois, UC
11:30 The tense-aspect system in fossilized interlanguage. Clancy
Clements, Indiana University
12:00 Closing remarks
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