Oferta de trabajo: Spanish & French: Asst Prof, Northeastern State Univ., OK, USA

Eulàlia de Bobes Soler eulalia.debobes at UAB.ES
Fri Feb 20 10:40:58 UTC 2004

*                            INFOLING
 Lista de distribución de lingüística del español (ISSN: 1576-3404)
    Envío de información: infoling-request at listserv.rediris.es
       Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, UAB <carlos.subirats at uab.es>
           Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <mcruz at ub.edu>
        Eulalia de Bobes Soler, UAB <Eulalia.deBobes at uab.es>
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Oferta de trabajo:
Spanish & French: Asst Prof, Northeastern State University, OK, USA
Contacto: Jackie Wilcox, <wilcoxj at nsuok.edu>
Información de <storerz at nsuok.edu>
distribuida por The Linguist List: http://linguistlist.org/

University or Organization: Northeastern State University
Department: College of Arts and Letters
Rank of Job: Assistant Professor
Specialty Areas: French
Required Language(s): Spanish (Code = SPN)

Instructor/Assistant Professor: Tenure track position starting August,
2004. The successful candidate will teach introductory, intermediate,
and advanced Spanish courses, with a standard teaching load of 12
credits per semester. Responsibilities also include student advising
and participating in departmental committees.

Master's degree required. PhD preferred. Advanced ABD's will be
considered. Rank dependent upon education level. Must be able to work
in the US. Resume should include evidence of teaching excellence and
research. Ability to teach beginning French desirable.

Send letter of application with copies of transcripts and three
references to: Office of Human Resources, Northeastern State
University, Tahlequah, OK 74464.
Applications will be evaluated upon receipt and the positions will
remain open until filled.  AA/EOE

Address for Applications:
   Attn: Tere Feller
   Office of Human Resources
   600 N. Grand
   Tahlequah, OK 74464
   United States of America

Contact Information:
   Dr. Jackie Wilcox
   Email: wilcoxj at nsuok.edu
   Tel: 918-456-5511 ext 3609
   Fax: 918-458-2348
   Website: http://www.nsuok.edu

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técnico de RedIRIS (Madrid, España): http://www.rediris.es

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