Novedad bibliog r áfica: WRIGHT, R. ; RICKETTS, P., ed s. Studies on Iber o-Romance Linguist ics dedicated to R alph Penny. Newark (Delaware): Juan de la Cuesta

Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg carlos.subirats at UAB.ES
Tue Jul 26 15:28:57 UTC 2005

--------------------------   INFOLING   ------------------------------
 Lista de distribución de lingüística del español (ISSN: 1576-3404)
    Envío de información: infoling-request at
       Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, UAB <carlos.subirats at>
           Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <mcruz at>
        Eulalia de Bobes Soler, UAB <Eulalia.deBobes at>
 Equipo de edición:
Estudios de Lingüística del Español (ELiEs):
es una red temática de lingüística del español asociada a INFOLING.

Infoling y ELiEs se editan con el patrocinio del Ministerio de
Ciencia y Tecnología de España (DIF2003-10302-E):

                        Novedad bibliográfica:
    WRIGHT, Roger; RICKETTS, Peter, eds. 2005. Studies on Ibero-Romance
Linguistics dedicated to Ralph Penny. Newark (Delaware): Juan de la
Cuesta (ISBN 1-58871-072-6, 467 pp. Precio: $28.95)


    Este volumen, es un homenaje al Prof. Ralph Penny, catedrático de la
Filología Románica de la Universidad de Londres (Queen Mary College) y
autor de diveresas publicaciones sobre la Historia de la Lengua
Española. En esta obra, 23 colegas del Prof. Ralph Penny le dedican
capítulos sobre temas relacionados con sus intereses.


1. Introduction and Bibliography of Ralph Penny (Roger Wright)

2. Representational models vs. operational models of literacy in
Latin-Romance legal documents (with special reference to
Latin-Portuguese texts) (António Emiliano)

3. On the formation of the present indicative paradigm of Spanish "ir",
and the origins of "vamos" and "vais" (Joel Rini)

4. The pronunciation of "h-" and "f-" in bilingual Spanish/Arabic
treaties from the Thirteenth Century (Robert Blake)

5. Reflections on dialect mixing and variation in Alfonsine texts
(Donald N. Tuten)

6. Some phonological features of Insular French: a reconstruction
(Martin J. Duffell)

7. Prayers in Medieval Occitan: critical edition, translation and notes
(Peter T. Ricketts)

8. "Confundamus ibi linguam eorum": some accounts of the Tower of Babel
in Medieval Castilian Literature (Alan Deyermond)

9. The count / non-count distinction in Castilian: evidence for its
place and function in the medieval language (Ray Harris-Northall)

10. Variation of the Spanish demonstratives "aqueste" and "este" (Diana
L. Ranson)

11. Textual evidence of the development of the sibilants of Peninsular
Spain from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth centuries (Dana L. Allen)

12. "Ingenio, Juicio, Prudencia": the linguistic doctrine of Juan de
Valdés (Thomas R. Hart)

13. Vowel prosthesis and its maintenance in Spanish: a comparative
perspective (Rodney Sampson)

14. "Ambiguitas" and the secret language of the glossed "mote" (Ian

15. A study of intra-personal linguistic variation in Cervantes
(grapho-phonology) (K. Anipa)

16. Analogical feminines: uniformity and variety in Golden Age Spanish
(John England)

17. Gender without sex: the semantic exploitation of the masculine /
feminine opposition in the History of Spanish (Christopher J. Pountain)

18. Template formation in Western Hispano-Romance (David Pharies)

19. From "thinking" to "caring"; the semantic evolution of Lat. COGITARE
and CURARE in Hispano-Romance (Steven N. Dworkin)

20. Achievement verbs in Medieval and Modern Spaniah (Ian MacKenzie)

21. La lengua, patria común: política lingüística, política exterior y
el post-nacioinalismo hispánico (José del Valle)

22. El atlas de Paraguay y la distinción [s] / [theta] (Francisco Moreno

23. A forbidding agenda: the morphosyntax, semantics and pragmatics of
prohibition in Spanish (John N. Green)

24. Convergence and divergence in World Languages: Spanish, Latin and
English (Roger Wright).

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