Novedad bibliográfica: LIPSKY, J. M. A History of Afro-Hispanic Language. Five Centuries, Five Continents. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg carlos.subirats at UAB.ES
Fri Mar 4 11:20:56 UTC 2005

--------------------------   INFOLING   ------------------------------
 Lista de distribución de lingüística del español (ISSN: 1576-3404)
    Envío de información: infoling-request at
       Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, UAB <carlos.subirats at>
           Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <mcruz at>
        Eulalia de Bobes Soler, UAB <Eulalia.deBobes at>
 Equipo de edición:
Estudios de Lingüística del Español (ELiEs):
es una red temática de lingüística del español asociada a INFOLING.

Infoling y ELiEs se editan con el patrocinio del Ministerio de
Ciencia y Tecnología de España (DIF2003-10302-E):

                     Novedad bibliográfica:
LIPSKY, John M. 2005. A History of Afro-Hispanic Language. Five
Centuries, Five Continents. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Información y compra-e:
(ISBN: 0521822653, Pages: 376, $ 110.00)


    The African slave trade, beginning in the fifteenth century, brought
African languages into contact with Spanish and Portuguese, resulting in
the Africans' gradual acquisition of these languages. In this book, John
Lipski describes the major forms of Afro-Hispanic language found in the
Iberian Peninsula and Latin America over the last 500 years. As well as
discussing pronunciation, morphology and syntax, he separates legitimate
forms of Afro-Hispanic expression from those that result from racist
stereotyping, to assess how contact with the African diaspora has had a
permanent impact on contemporary Spanish. A principal issue is the
possibility that Spanish, in contact with speakers of African languages,
may have creolized and restructured - in the Caribbean and perhaps
elsewhere - permanently affecting regional and social varieties of
Spanish today. The book is accompanied by the largest known anthology of
primary Afro-Hispanic texts from Iberia, Latin America, and former
Afro-Hispanic contacts in Africa and Asia.


1. Africans in the Iberian Peninsular, the slave trade, and overview of
    Afro-Iberian linguistic contacts

2. Early Afro-Portuguese texts

3. Early Afro-Hispanic texts

4. Africans in colonial Spanish America

5. Afro-Hispanic texts from Latin America

6. Survey of major African language families

7. Phonetics/phonology of Afro-Hispanic language

8. Grammatical features of Afro-Hispanic language

9. The Spanish-creole debate.

     See this book announcement on the Linguist List website:

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