Annual Meeting of the Assoc. de Crioulos de Base Lexical Portuguesa eEspanhola - Amsterdam(Netherlands) - Jun'07

Wed Oct 11 19:43:12 UTC 2006

--------------------      INFOLING        --------------------------
Lista de distribución de lingüí­stica del español (ISSN: 1576-3404)
Enví­o de información: infoling-request at
Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, UAB <carlos.subirats at>
Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <mcruz at>
Eulalia de Bobes Soler, U. Abat Oliba-CEU <debobes1 at>
Equipo de edición:
Estudios de Lingüí­stica del Español (ELiEs):
es una red temática de lingüística del español asociada a INFOLING.

© Infoling Barcelona (España), 2006. Reservados todos los derechos

2007 Annual Meeting of the 
Associaçao de Crioulos de Base Lexical Portuguesa e Espanhola 
Date: 18-Jun-2007 - 20-Jun-2007 
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Contact: Tjerk Hagemeijer 
Contact Email: 

Información procedente de LinguistList:

Meeting Description: 

Annual Meeting of the Associaçao de Crioulos de Base Lexical Portuguesa e 
Espanhola [Association of Portuguese and Spanish-based Creole languages, meeting 
in Amsterdam, June 18 - 20 , 2007. This will be a joint meeting with SPCL. 

ACBPLE Annual Conference 
Amsterdam, 18-20 June 2007 

Call for papers. Deadline: 15 January 2007 
The ACBLPE annual meeting will take place at the Universiteit van Amsterdam in 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on the 18th-20th of June 2007. - in conjunction with 
the SPCL 2007 summer meeting. 

Abstracts (of papers in English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish) on linguistic 
issues involving Portuguese and Spanish lexically based pidgin and creole 
languages or contact situations involving Portuguese and Spanish are invited. 

The format of the abstract must adhere to the requirements specified in sections 
A and B below: 
A. Abstract: electronic format 

1. Authors must carefully follow the directions concerning the organization of 
the abstract, detailed in section B below. 

2. The abstract (including examples) must comprise a minimum of 300 words and a 
maximum of 500 words. Please note the word count at the bottom of the abstract. 

3. The abstract should be sent as an attachment in WORD or RTF format. If this 
is not possible, send the abstract to the postal address shown below. 

4. At the top of the abstract, outside the typing area, put the title. 

5. Your name should only appear in e-mail message carrying the attached 

6. Special fonts: If your abstract uses any special fonts, there are three 

i.	In addition to the document in WORD or RTF format, send a PDF document. 

ii.	In the e-mail message, annex the special fonts that are required in your 

iii.	Send a paper copy to the address shown below. 

7. When sending the email submission, please follow this format (use the 
numbering system given below): 
1. Title of abstract: 
2. Name: 
3. Address: 
4. Affiliation: 
5. Status (faculty, student): 
6. Email address: 
7. Fax: 
8. Phone numbers: 
Deadline: 15 January 2007. 

Send abstracts to: Tjerk Hagemeijer, If you are unable to send 
an abstract in an electronic format, mail it to: 
Tjerk Hagemeijer 
Avenida do Brasil, 27, 4-B 
2735-670 Sao Marcos 
B. Organization of the abstract 

Many abstracts are rejected because they omit crucial information rather than 
because of errors in what they include. A suggested outline for abstracts is as 

1. Choose a title that clearly indicates the topic of the paper and is no more 
than one line long. 

2. In the abstract, state the topic clearly. 

3. Make reference to prior work on the topic. 

4. When essential to the clarity of the argumentation, present linguistic data 
(with glosses). Explain abbreviations at their first occurrence. 

5. . If the paper presents the results of experiments, but collection of results 
is not yet complete, present the provisional results in detail. Also indicate 
the nature of the experimental design and the specific hypothesis tested. 

6. State the relevance of your hypothesis to past work. Describe the analysis in 
as much detail as possible. Avoid vague or unsubstantiated statements. 

7. State the contribution to linguistic research made by the analysis. 

8. Citation of the relevant literature is essential within the abstract. 
However, the inclusion of a list of references at the end of the abstract is not 

Abstracts will be assessed on the basis of the following three criteria: 

1. The relevance and significance of the proposed topic and/or the originality 
of the study. 

2. The argumentation (including the clarity of the argument and the 

3. Knowledge of the relevant research literature and theory.

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