Informaci ón sobre tesis docto ral: BELLORO, V. A. Spanish C litic Doubling. A Study of the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface

Carlos Subirats carlos.subirats at GMAIL.COM
Fri Dec 28 16:15:30 UTC 2007

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Información sobre tesis doctoral:
BELLORO, Valeria A. 2007. Spanish Clitic Doubling. A Study of the
Syntax-Pragmatics Interface. Ph.D. Thesis. State University of New
York at Buffalo (USA), Department of Linguistics

1. Autora:
Valeria A. BELLORO

2. Título: Spanish Clitic Doubling. A Study of the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface.
2.1. Número de Páginas: 243
2.2. Palabras clave: Spanish, Clitic Doubling, Pragmatics, Role and
Reference Grammar.

3. Fecha de defensa: Octubre 2007

4. Departamento, centro o laboratorio en el que se ha desarrollado la tesis:
State University of New York at Buffalo (USA), Department of Linguistics

5. Director de la tesis:
Dr. Robert D. Van Valin

6. Proyecto o línea de investigación en el que se incluye:
Interface Morfosintaxis-Pragmática.

7. Resumen:

This dissertation is a study of the interpretive effects of so-called
"clitic doubling" constructions in Spanish. Clitic doubling
constructions are those in which a weak pronoun, cliticized to the
verb, co-occurs in the clause with a nominal phrase coreferential with
it, as illustrated below.

(1) a. La         invité        a       Mabel.
        acc.3fs  invited.1s anim   Mabel
        'I invited Mabel.'

     b. Le       di          un regalo  a      Mabel.
         dat.3s gave.1s  a  gift      dat    Mabel
         'I gave a gift to Mabel.'

In recent decades there have been many studies which propose
grammatical analyses of these structures. These studies are for the
most part based on examples constructed ad hoc and, as it will be
shown, cannot adequately account for the empirical data presented
here. On the other hand, corpus-based accounts of the "clitic
doubling" phenomenon are scarce and advance seemingly contradictory
conclusions, some linking doubling with the participants' topicality,
and others with the participants' newness.

In this dissertation it is argued that Spanish clitic doubling
constructions are dependent on the particular cognitive accessibility
of the target referent. Specifically, that clitic doubling structures
mark the deviation of the target referent from its expected
accessibility level given the case-role chosen to encode it.

This claim is supported by the analysis of a corpus of spontaneous
interactions among native speakers of a prototypical "doubling
dialect" (Buenos Aires Spanish), and formalized using the tools of
Role and Reference Grammar.

Table of Contents

List of Figures
List of Tables

1. Introduction
1.1. Overview: Doubling vs. Dislocation
1.2. The Grammatical Status of Pronominal Clitics
1.3. Asymmetries on Indirect vs. Direct Object Doubling
1.4. A Note on Dialectal Variation

2. Previous Studies
2.1. Clitic Doubling in Generative Grammar
2.1.1. Specificity Restrictions
2.1.2. The Presuppositionality Condition
2.1.3. Summary and Discussion
2.2. Discourse-Based Approaches
2.2.1. Barrenechea and Orecchia (1977)
2.2.2. Silva-Corvalán (1981)
2.2.3. Weissenrieder (1995)
2.2.4. Colantoni (2002)
2.2.5. Summary and Discussion

3. 'Doubling' in Other Languages
3.1. Romance languages
3.1.1. Clitic doubling in other Spanish dialects
3.1.2. Romanian
3.1.3. French and Italian
3.2. Balkan and Slavic languages
3.2.1. Albanian and Greek
3.2.2. Macedonian and Bulgarian
3.3. Bantu languages
3.4. Other languages
3.5. Summary and Discussion

4. Accusative Doubling in Buenos Aires Spanish
4.1. Methodology
4.2. A-marking and Animacy
4.3. Specificity
4.3.1. Specificity contrasts
4.3.2. Evaluating the Specificity hypothesis
4.4. Presuppositionality
4.5. Definiteness
4.6. Identifiability
4.6.1. Frame-linked Doubling
4.6.2. Cognitive Accessibility
4.7. Summary and Discussion

5. Dative Doubling in Buenos Aires Spanish
5.1. Initial Characterization
5.2. Dative Doubling and Information Status
5.3. Comparing Dative and Accusative Doubling
5.4. Summary and Discussion

6. Clitic Doubling in Role and Reference Grammar
6.1. Presentation of the model
6.1.1. The Layered Structure of the Clause
6.1.2. The Semantic Representation
6.1.3. The Pragmatic Structure
6.2. An RRG analysis of Spanish clitic doubling
6.2.1. The Clausal Structure of Clitic Doubling Constructions
6.2.2. Semantic Representation and Linking Rules
6.2.3. A brief note on "incorporated" datives
6.3. Summary and Discussion

7. Conclusions


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