Call for submissions: Lenguaje. Revista de la Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje

Carlos Subirats carlos.subirats at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 31 20:14:55 UTC 2007

--------------------      INFOLING        --------------------------
Lista de distribución de lingüí­stica del español (ISSN: 1576-3404)
Enví­o de información: infoling-request at
Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, UAB <carlos.subirats at>
Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <mcruz at>
Eulalia de Bobes Soler, U. Abat Oliba-CEU <debobes1 at>
Equipo de edición:
Estudios de Lingüí­stica del Español (ELiEs):
es una red temática de lingüística del español asociada a INFOLING.

© Infoling Barcelona (España), 2006. Reservados todos los derechos

Call for submissions: Lenguaje. Revista de la Escuela de Ciencias del
Lenguaje (ISSN 0120-3479), Universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia)
Electronic version under construction:

Information for Authors

Lenguaje is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by the
Universidad del Valle School of Language Sciences, in Cali (Colombia).
A free-access electronic version is also under construction. First
published in 1972, Lenguaje is the country's oldest scholarly journal
in the area. It is currently indexed in Publindex, Colombia's National
Journal Data Base, as well as in LLBA and Ulrich's.

The journal welcomes unpublished manuscripts not being considered for
publication by other journals in any discipline dealing with language.
These may be either articles (final or partial research reports, case
studies, essays, comprehensive state-of-the-art presentations,
reflections on or examination of particular problems, systematized
presentations of pedagogical experiences) or book reviews. The
manuscripts may be in Spanish, English or French.

All submitted manuscripts are reviewed by the editorial board. Not all
articles submitted will be accepted for publication. If a manuscript
is accepted, the author may nonetheless be invited to make any changes
suggested by the board. Accepted manuscripts will be published with
the understanding that their authors assume full responsibility for
all statements made in them, including the changes suggested, unless
the author has successfully challenged them at the time of review. The
journal will own the copyright of all published manuscripts and these
may not be published or reprinted elsewhere without written
permission. The editors will not refuse reasonable requests by the
authors for permission to reproduce their contributions to the


The editor is constantly reviewing articles to be published in future
issues. Beginning in 2007, each annual volume will be divided into two
numbers, to be published in June and December. Submission deadlines
for each number are January 15th and August 1st.

Send Microsoft Word electronic manuscripts to:

Martha Berdugo, Editor
Revista Lenguaje
<revistalenguaje at> or <revista_lenguaje at>

The names of the authors will be withheld from all referees. The
authors' names and institutional affiliation should appear only on a
separate title page. The editor will be glad to answer any questions
regarding editorial policies. If the manuscript has multiple authors,
only one of them should be designated as the correspondent.

Previous issues may be examined in the electronic version, now under

Style Sheet

Manuscript length: In general, manuscripts should have a maximum of 25
letter-size (8½ x 11-inch) pages and must be typed in 12 pt. Times New
Roman font, using 1.5 spacing. No extra spacing should be used between

Abstract and keywords: All articles must be accompanied by a 100- to
150-word abstract and keywords in Spanish, English and French.

Author bio: Basic biographical information about the author (maximum
80 words) should be included in prose fashion: name, titles,
institutional affiliation, position and rank, areas of scholarship,
teaching experience, research interests, and an e-mail address.

Manuscript edition: Features such as indentions, tabs, capitalization,
underlining, boldface, italics, different font sizes, etc. should not
be used unless necessary. All sections should be numbered using the
decimal system up to a maximum of three places. (For example, 1.1.1.
is acceptable, but not Abbreviations should be avoided
unless they are unquestionably universal.

Graphs, pictures, drawings: Graphs, figures, drawings, photographs and
the like should be submitted separately (preferably in separate
files), accurately numbered and titled, and with a clear indication of
the place where they should be inserted. (For example: "Insert here
Figure 1: Taxonomy of text-dependent functions.")

Footnotes: These should be submitted as endnotes (but will be
published as footnotes), consecutively numbered in the text and should
not be too long. They are used mainly to add comments, digressions or
an additional discussion.

References: Parenthetical references within the text should adopt the
"author year" system (e.g. Krashen 1982). Quotations should add page
number (e.g. Krashen 1982:50). If two or more sources published by the
same author(s) in the same year are included, the sources should be
identified by an added letter, both in the parenthetical reference and
in the final references (e.g. Pottier 1989a, 1989b). A list of all the
sources mentioned in the text should appear at the end in alphabetical
order. The following examples show the style of capitalization and
punctuation for each type of source:


      Germain, C. (1993). Évolution de l'enseignement des langues:
5000 ans d'histoire. Paris: Clé International.

      Book chapter:

      Ferreiro, E. (1991). La adquisición de la alfabetización:
Psicogénesis. En Goodman, Y. (comp.) Los niños construyen su
lectoescritura: un enfoque piagetiano. Buenos Aires: Aique, 21-35.

      Journal article:

      Oviedo, T. (2003). Abra la boca... (significación-comunicación).
Lenguaje, 31, 7-23.

      Castañeda, M. (2000). La travesía en la construcción de una
propuesta educativa bilingüe para los sordos. El Bilingüismo de los
Sordos, 1(4), 89-101.

      Web document:

      Panitz, T. (1996). A definition of collaborative vs. cooperative
learning. Disponible en
consultado el 24 de junio de 2005.

Unpublished manuscripts (manuscripts, theses and dissertations,
monographs, research reports, etc.):

      Liddell, S. (1977). An investigation into the syntactic
structure of American Sign Language. Tesis doctoral sin publicar,
University of California, San Diego.

Quotations: Quotations of up to three lines should be incorporated
into the text and shown by quotation marks. Those over three lines
should be included as a separate paragraph, with 1 cm. (0.39 inch)
left and right indentions.

Note: Beginning in 2008, all submissions should conform to the current
edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association. Also, from that volume forward, articles will be accepted
in Portuguese.

Copies for authors: Contributors whose manuscripts are published in
Lenguaje will receive two copies of the issue in which the article or
review appears. When there is more than one author, each author will
receive two copies.

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