Oferta de trabajo: Assistant Professor, Spanish Linguistics, Montclair State University (NJ), USA

Eulalia de Bobes - Infoling debobes1 at UAO.ES
Fri Oct 26 16:08:09 UTC 2007

-------------------          INFOLING          --------------------
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Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, UAB <carlos.subirats at uab.es>
Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <mcruz at ub.edu>
Eulalia de Bobes Soler, U. Abat Oliba-CEU <debobes1 at uao.es>
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 © Infoling, Barcelona (España) 1998-2007. Reservados todos los derechos

Oferta de trabajo:
Tenure-track Assistant Professor.  Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics
Montclair State University, NJ, USA

Infomración de Anne Edstrom, <edstroma at mail.montclair.edu>

Position Announcement
Montclair State University

Tenure-track Assistant Professor.  Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics 
with background in at least two of the following areas: 
phonetics, history of the Spanish language, SLA/pedagogy with 
interest or experience in teacher education.  Candidate should 
demonstrate excellence in teaching Spanish at all levels.

Responsibilities include coordination of beginning/intermediate 
Spanish language program, teaching Spanish at all levels, and 
teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Spanish 
linguistics. Applicants should have an active research agenda in 
Spanish Linguistics, experience supervising adjuncts or graduate 
assistants, expertise in language teaching technologies, and an 
ability to work across disciplines.  Expectations include 
research in Spanish linguistics, involvement in professional 
activities, interest in seeking grants, and service to the 
department and university. Willingness to teach weekends and 
evenings desirable.  Native or near-native fluency in Spanish and 
English.  Send letter and resume to Dr. Anne Edstrom, Chair 
Search Committee, Department of Spanish/Italian, Montclair State 
University, Box C316-V F43, Montclair, NJ 07043

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