Novedad bibliogr áfica: NIÑO, M.; ROTHMAN, J. Spanish at the crossroads with other languages

Carlos Subirats carlos.subirats at GMAIL.COM
Sat May 31 00:16:07 UTC 2008

-------------------          INFOLING          --------------------
Lista de distribución sobre lingüí­stica del español (ISSN: 1576-3404):
Enví­o de información: infoling-request at
Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, UAB <carlos.subirats at>
Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <mcruz at>
Eulalia de Bobes Soler, U. Abat Oliba-CEU <debobes1 at>
Equipo de edición:
Estudios de Lingüí­stica del Español (ELiEs):
es una red temática de lingüística del español asociada a INFOLING.

© Infoling, Barcelona (España) 1996-2008. Reservados todos los derechos


Infoling (1996-2008): 3.200 participantes en más de 50 países

Con el apoyo de Editorial Arco Libros
Consulta su catálogo de Lingüística, E/LE, Historia y Publicaciones periódicas:

Novedad bibliográfica:
NIÑO-MURCIA, Mercedes; ROTHMAN, Jason. 2008. Spanish at the crossroads
with other languages. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins
(Studies in Bilingualism 37, vii, 365 pp. ISBN: 978 90 272 4148 1,
Precio: 99.00 euros, US $149.00)


Sociolinguists have been pursuing connections between language and
identity for several decades. But how are language and identity
related in bilingualism and multilingualism? Mobilizing the most
current methodology, this collection presents new research on language
identity and bilingualism in three regions where Spanish coexists with
other languages. The cases are Spanish-English contact in the United
States, Spanish-indigenous language contact in Latin America, and
Spanish-regional language contact in Spain. This is the first
comparativist book to examine language and identity construction among
bi- or multilingual speakers while keeping one of the languages
constant. The sociolinguistic standing of Spanish varies among the
three regions depending whether or not it is a language of prestige.
Comparisons therefore afford a strong constructivist perspective on
how linguistic ideologies affect bi/multilingual identity formation.

Table of contents

Part I. Theoretical background
Ana Celia Zentella
1. Spanish-contact bilingualism and identity
Mercedes Niño-Murcia and Jason Rothman
Part II. Spanish in contact with autonomous languages in Spain
2. Bilingualism, identity and citizenship in the Basque Country
Maria-Jose Azurmendi, Nekane Larrañaga and Jokin Apalategi
3. Conflicting values at a conflicting age: Linguistic ideologies in
Galician adolescents
Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez
4. Language and identity in Catalonia
Emile Boix-Fuster and Cristina Sanz
Part III. Spanish in contact with Creole and Amerindian languages in
Latin America
5. Literacy and the expression of social identity in a dominant
language: A description of "mi familia" by Quechua-Spanish bilingual
Liliana Sánchez
6. Maya ethnolinguistic identity: Violence, and cultural rights in
bilingual Kaqchikel communities
Brigittine M. French
7. "Enra kopiai...Non kopiai": Gender, ethnicity, and language use in
a Shipibo community in Lima
Virginia Zavala and Nino Bariola
8. Kreyol incursions into Dominican Spanish: The perception of
Haitianized speech among Dominicans
Barbara E. Bullock and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio
Part IV. Spanish in contact with English in the United States
9. "I was raised talking like my mom": The influence of mothers in the
development of MexiRicans' phonological and lexical features
Kim Potowski
10. Choosing Spanish: Dual language immersion and familial ideologies
Elaine Shenk
11. Whose Spanish? The tension between linguistic correctness and
cultural identity
Bonnie Urciuoli
12. Constructing linguistic identity in Southern California
Isabel Bustamante-López
13. Multilingualism and identity: All in the Family
Jason Rothman and Mercedes Niño-Murcia
Part V. Conclusion
Afterword: Indicators of bilingualism and identity. Samples from the
Spanish-speaking world
Margarita Hidalgo
Author index
Subject index


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