Jornadas "Health and Environmental Sciences in Translation and Interpreting" -Vic(Spain)- May 2009
mcruz at UB.EDU
Fri Nov 21 08:28:51 UTC 2008
------------------- INFOLING --------------------
Lista de distribución sobre lingüística del español (ISSN: 1576-3404):
Envío de información: infoling-request at
Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, UAB <carlos.subirats at>
Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <mcruz at>
Eulalia de Bobes Soler, U. Abat Oliba-CEU <debobes1 at>
Equipo de edición:
Estudios de Lingüística del Español (ELiEs):
es una red temática de lingüística del español asociada a INFOLING.
© Infoling, Barcelona (España) 1996-2008. Reservados todos los derechos
Infoling (1996-2008): 3.200 participantes en más de 50 países
Con el apoyo de Editorial Arco Libros
Consulta su catálogo de Lingüística, E/LE, Historia y Publicaciones periódicas:
XIII Jornades de Traducció / XIII Jornadas de Traducción
"Health and Environmental Sciences in Translation and Interpreting"
6-7 May 2009
University of Vic (Spain)
An interdisciplinary approach to the teaching and practice of translation calls
for sourcing, integrating and articulating concepts and experiences across a
wide range of professional and academic activities. As issues in health and
environmental sciences leap cultural and language barriers, translators and
interpreters must keep pace with developments in these and other areas as they
relate to scientific, educational, professional, technological and legal concerns.
Keynote speakers will include: Carmen Casal Fornos (director of documentation
and publications, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente), Mary Ellen Kerans (president of
the Mediterranean Translators and Editors association, expert in medical
translation and collaborative editing) and Jordi Serrano Pons (physician and
creator of Universal Doctor Speaker).
Topics may include (but are not necessarily limited to) the following:
I. Knowledge management in health and environmental sciences
• Climate change
• Biotechnology and environmental protection measures
• Recycling and environmental management
• Scientific illustration and schematics
II. Teaching issues in health and environmental sciences
• Teaching specialised translation in health and environmental topics
• Lexicography and terminology in the health and environmental sciences
• New developments
III. Professional issues in health and environmental sciences
• Hospitals: on-site provider/patient interpreting and document translation
• Professional scientific translation
• New challenges
• Software
Scientific committee: Lydia Brugué, Lidia Cámara, Eva Espasa, Amèlia Foraster,
Miquel Pujol, Ronald Puppo, Richard Samson
Submission of abstracts: Papers relevant to the suggested topics, or to the
conference title, should be fifteen (15) minutes long. Abstracts (about 300
words) must be sent by email to jornades_trad at by 30 January 2009.
Notification of acceptance: 27 February 2009
Early bird: 125 euros (on or before 13 March 2009)
After 13 March: 150 euros
(Undergraduate students not reading a paper: 30 euros – proof of current
enrolment required)
Deadline for full text of all papers and registration fees for participants
reading a paper: Completed papers (full text) must be sent and registration
fees for all participants reading a paper must be paid by 17 April 2009.
Languages: English, Spanish, Catalan (simultaneous Catalan-Spanish interpreting
will be available)
* * *
Conference on Health and Environmental Sciences in Translation and Interpreting
XIII Jornades de Traducció / XIII Jornadas de Traducción
Wednesday & Thursday, May 6-7, 2009
Translation School / Facultat de Ciències Humanes, Traducció i Documentació
University of Vic
C. de la Laura 13
08500 Vic, Spain
Tel. +(34) 93 881 60 24
Fax +(34) 93 881 43 07
Conference enquiries: jornades_trad at or rpuppo at
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