[Japanling] Final Call for Workshop and Talk Story session proposals for ICLDC 6 - deadline June 30

National Foreign Language Resource Center nflrc at hawaii.edu
Tue Jun 26 00:05:22 UTC 2018

6th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation:
Connecting Communities, Languages & Technology

February 28-March 3, 2019
Hawai‘i Imin International Conference Center
University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Honolulu, Hawai‘i USA


*FINAL REMINDER: ICLDC 2019: Workshop and Talk Story Proposals - deadline
June 30, 2018*

Over the past two decades endangered language documentation and
conservation has (re)emerged as a distinct subfield of linguistics with its
own methodology and theoretical underpinnings. This reemergence has
occurred in parallel with a dramatic technological evolution which has put
advanced computing tools in the hands of language documenters and those
striving to reclaim and maintain endangered languages. Moreover, technology
is also changing traditional user roles, blurring the lines between
linguist, speaker, and activist by providing increased access to
information. Digital tools have the power to greatly accelerate the
language work, but the digital realm also brings new challenges for
endangered languages, which sometimes struggle to thrive in a
digitally-mediated world.

At ICLDC 2019 we propose to initiate a dialogue which will lead to improved
connections between communities, languages, and technologies. We
specifically aim to bring together three groups which have not always
worked closely together, namely: linguists, language communities, and
technology developers.

Following a format introduced at the ICLDC 2017, we are including a
90-minute block on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to be dedicated to two
alternative conference activities: Workshops and Talk Story discussions.
Talk Story Sessions
Introduced at ICLDC 2017 in response to participant feedback, ICLDC 2019
will again “Talk Story” sessions. These discussions will be led by an
expert discussant and limited to 20-30 attendees per session. Each Talk
Story will be repeated on three days of the conference, allowing ample
opportunity for conference attendees to participate in the Talk Story
Sessions of their choice. Talk Story sessions are meant to be fully
interactive for participants, rather than a one-directional presentation of
information. This format may be particularly appropriate for discussion of
the challenges of technology and its role in language reclamation and
language documentation.
We also welcome proposals for Workshops on topics broadly relating to
language and technology, particularly where it impacts communities. Each
90-minute workshop will be held twice over three days of the conference,
allowing multiple opportunities for interested attendees to participate.
Workshops will accommodate a larger number of participants and are intended
to be more presentational and instructional in style than the Talk Story
sessions. Appropriate workshop topics will be related to the conference
theme and may include instruction in use of software tools, development of
new software tools, development of web technologies, novel methods for
digital hardware tools, etc.
NSF support details
Thanks to generous support from the US National Science Foundation
Documenting Endangered Languages Program, we are able to offer travel
assistance up to US$2000 for each selected Workshop and Talk Story Session.
Funds will be provided as (partial) flight reimbursements, hotel nights, or
per diem payments, to be determined by the ICLDC Executive Committee. In
the event that a Workshop or Talk Story Session is jointly presented by
more than one individual, the presenter team will inform the ICLDC
Executive Committee how to divide the award across the presenters.

As a condition of acceptance, Workshop and Talk Story Session presenters
must acknowledge support of the National Science Foundation in their
presentations and future iterations of their research.
Proposal submission


   Abstracts should describe the content of the proposed Workshop or Talk
   Story, indicating how it relates to the conference theme. Abstracts should
   be no more than 400 words in length, not including references.
   - Biography: Please include a 100-word biography describing the
   qualifications of each presenter.
   - File format: upload your abstract as an MS Word or PDF file. Name your
   file using the first author’s last name, e.g., “author.pdf.”
   - Language: Abstracts should be submitted in English, but presentations
   can be in any language. We particularly welcome presentations in languages
   of the region discussed.
   - Proposals for the NSF-sponsored Workshops and Talk Story Sessions are due
   by June 30, 2018, with notification of acceptance by July 31, 2018.

To submit a Workshop or Talk Story proposal (deadline June 30, 2018), click
here <https://form.jotform.com/81008158981965>.

The call for general conference proposals (papers, posters, and technology
showcase presentations) can be found here
<https://icldc6.weebly.com/cfp-general.html>, with a deadline of August 31,



   May 1, 2018: Call for Proposals announced
   - June 30, 2018: Proposals for Workshops and Talk Story Sessions deadline
   - July 31, 2018: Notification of acceptance to Workshops and Talk Story
   - August 31, 2018: Proposal deadline for general papers, posters, and
   technology showcases
   - October 1, 2018: Notification of acceptance for general papers,
   posters, and technology showcases
   - October 1, 2018: Early registration opens
   - December 1, 2018: Early registration deadline. Regular registration
   continues until full.
   - February 28 - March 3, 2019: 6th ICLDC

Questions?  Feel free to contact us at icldc at hawaii.edu


*International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation
Email: icldc at hawaii.edu <icldc at hawaii.edu>

Website: http://icldc6.icldc-hawaii.org
ICLDC Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ICLDC/
ICLDC Twitter page: http://www.twitter.com/ICLDC_HI/

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