[Japanling] RFL 32(1) is now online
National Foreign Language Resource Center
nflrc at hawaii.edu
Thu Apr 16 06:03:36 UTC 2020
The April 2020 issue (Volume 32, Number 1) of the electronic journal *Reading
in a Foreign Language *(RFL) is now online and can be read at:
This issue of *RFL* is a little leaner than usual, with only two regular
articles. In the first, Chen Chen and Yongcan Liu explore the role of
vocabulary breadth and depth in second language learners’ performance in
IELTS academic reading tests in China and find that both correlate
significantly with IELTS reading test scores. In the second, Yuka Mikami
investigates the processes of motivational change through goal setting in
extensive reading, and finds that when students use goal setting
effectively, they feel a sense of achievement, enhance their intrinsic
motivation and self-efficacy, and form a virtuous cycle toward new goals.
Both studies have clear pedagogical implications.
In this issue we also introduce a new feature which we have named New
Directions in Reading Research. As the name suggests, this is an
opportunity for contributors to comment on emerging directions in or future
directions for reading research. We would note that this is not a
peer-reviewed feature. In the inaugural feature, Nathan Thomas focuses
attention on incidental L2 vocabulary learning and discusses research
design innovations and their implications for research and practice in two
related studies, Ong and Zhang (2018) and Mohamed (2018).
The issue is rounded out by Mitsue Tabata-Sandom’s review of Teaching
extensive reading in another language, by Paul Nation and Rob Waring. This
is only the second book that we are aware of dedicated solely to extensive
reading since Day & Bamford’s ground-breaking Extensive reading in the
second language classroom (1998), so it was certainly an overdue addition
to the literature.
The journal is sponsored by the National Foreign Language Resource Center
(NFLRC). The journal is a fully-refereed journal with an editorial board of
scholars in the field of foreign and second language reading. There is no
subscription fee to readers of the journal. It is published twice a year,
in April and October. Detailed information about subscription to Reading in
a Foreign Language can be found at
Aloha, stay safe and take care,
Wenyi Ling & Khiet Chau
Assistant Editors
Reading in a Foreign Language
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