<Language> Summertime cleaning up & jokes

H. Mark Hubey HubeyH at mail.montclair.edu
Mon May 10 04:56:33 UTC 1999

<><><><><><><><><><><><>--This is the Language List--<><><><><><><><><><><><><>

A thief was hawking a stolen carpet. He yelled out "who will give
me a hundred dinars for this?" in the bazaar. Someone approached
him and bought the carpet. A compatriot approached him later and
reproaches him; "Why did you sell that for only a hundred dinars?"

"Uhhh," said the thief "Is there a number bigger than 100?"

				Idries Shah, in one of his books on Sufis.

Bertrand Russell was heckled after a speech by someone who said
something like "we all know that nothing can stay up in the air. Do you
expect us to believe that the earth stays up in the sky without support?
Everybody knows that it is supported by a giant turtle." Russell thought
finally he had an answer "well then, tell me, what makes the turtle stay
up in the sky?"

"Ehh," said the women, "you can't fool me like that. Everyone knows,
that it is turtles all the way down."

During the last century when the first train was making its way thru
Germany the train had stopped in some village. The curious villages
around looking at the locomotive. One of them approached the engineer
and said
"We've been thinking. We think there is a horse inside that locomotive."
The engineer went thru the explanation of expansion of steam, Carnot
cycles, etc. The villagers walked away and talked amongst themselves and
came back and one of them said "we don't believe that stuff about
pressure, entropy and all that. We still think that there is a horse
inside the

Exasparated the engineer asked "Tell me then, what makes the horse go?".
The peasants talked to each other for a while and came back
"There are four little horses inside the hooves."

This is the problem of "exorcising the ghost from the machine".

Best Regards,
hubeyh at montclair.edu =-=-=-= http://www.csam.montclair.edu/~hubey
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