[language] Woven clothing may date back at least 27,000 years

H. Mark Hubey HubeyH at Mail.Montclair.edu
Wed Apr 26 05:35:29 UTC 2000

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Tuesday, 25 April, 2000, 15:15 GMT 16:15 UK
World's oldest hat revealed

Woven clothing may date back at least 27,000 years, according to
archaeological evidence left by stone age hunter-gatherers.

Previously it had been thought that weaving had been invented by settled
farmers just 5,000 to 10,000 years ago.

The new information means features on figurines thought to be prehistoric
hairstyles are actually the first known hats.

The clues came from 90 fragments of clay found in the Czech Republic, at
well-known sites including Dolni Vestonice and Tavlov. They reveal the
impressions of interlaced fibres.

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