[language] [Fwd: [evol-psych] Site in Israel older than thought]
H. Mark Hubey
HubeyH at Mail.Montclair.edu
Fri Aug 11 16:14:09 UTC 2000
<><><><><><><><><><><><>--This is the Language List--<><><><><><><><><><><><><>
August 11, 2000
from Newsday
Harnessing a quirky aspect of the Earth's magnetic field, American and
Israeli scientists have dated an archaeological site along the Jordan River
in northern Israel to about 780,000 years ago,250,000 years older than
previously thought.
The new evidence helps fill an important gap in the early archaeological
record of Homo erectus, considered the immediate ancestor of modern humans.
The age revision also raises new questions about a wave of early migration
from Africa to Europe and Asia through Israel and the accompanying spread of
a surprisingly sophisticated stone tool technology.
Exposed sediment layers at the Gesher Benot Ya'aqov site, which means
"Bridge of the Daughters of Jacob" in Hebrew, have revealed preserved wood,
seeds, fossils and a collection of stone tools, including hand axes and
cleavers fashioned from volcanic basalt.
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