[language] Male Europeans 'related to 10 ancestors'
H. Mark Hubey
HubeyH at Mail.Montclair.edu
Fri Nov 10 16:55:23 UTC 2000
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [evol-psych] Male Europeans 'related to 10 ancestors'
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 09:26:43 -0000
From: "Ian Pitchford" <ian.pitchford at scientist.com>
Reply-To: "Ian Pitchford" <Ian.Pitchford at scientist.com>
Organization: http://www.human-nature.com/darwin/index.html
To: <evolutionary-psychology at egroups.com>
Male Europeans 'related to 10 ancestors'
European men are almost all related to just 10 male ancestors whose descendents
migrated from the east between 6,000 and 40,000 years ago, scientists say.
A genetic study of 1,007 men across Europe and the Middle East found that 95%
of them could be traced to one of 10 family trees.
Two of these lineages probably migrated from the Middle East to Europe in
separate waves between 20,000 and 40,000 years ago during the Palaeolithic
The others were thought to have arrived later during a post-glacial Neolithic
migration from the Middle East and Siberia between about 6,000 and 9,000 years
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