[language] [Fwd: Re: Quantitative Lingusistics; was: Returned mail]
H.M. Hubey
hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
Tue Apr 2 01:48:13 UTC 2002
<><><><><><><><><><><><>--This is the Language List--<><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Quantitative Lingusistics; was: Returned mail
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 23:22:07 +0000
From: "H. Mark Hubey" <HubeyH at Mail.Montclair.edu>
Organization: Montclair State University
To: Hans Holm <Hans_Holm at h2.maus.de>
References: <200003210802.p4076 at h2.maus.de>
Hans Holm wrote:
> Dear Dr. Hubey,
> MH>All you need is the Acrobat Reader from Adobe. It is up to version 4
> MH>now, and it is free. The .pdf format is also now a de facto standard
> MH>since the USA NSF for math has standardized on it. Likely the MathML
> MH>will make use of it. You can download Acrobat from their site and it
> MH>will work. You can add that to Netscape as a plug-in and you won't
> MH>have any problems.
> .. thank's for the information.
> The only problem seems to be the printer driver of Prof. Koehler's
> division at TRIER-University. And he is extremely stressed and
> "overworked". So we shouldn't bother him in the moment.
Well, I sent the stuff to your address.
> I myself am happily working with my Atari-TT machine - up to now being
> able to import a dozen types of ASCII, RTF, and HTML.
> .. So I repeat: I only and urgently need the plain ASCII text. You could
> try to attach it to an e-mail in the same coding as our PMs which
> obviously works perfectly. My provider then will cut it off, put it into
> my so called "personal program part" and send me a warning not to exceed
> 16 kB in the future or to pay for it seperately. So that's a smaller
> problem.
Today I mailed paper copies of both manuscripts. A CD is included which
has .pdf, .ps, .doc and .txt versions of both manuscripts. You should
have the stuff in a few days.
I do not use a PC at work. I have a Unix machine in my office. I am
not aware of any pgm that will divide things up into little pieces.
It is messing around like this that causes problems. I send and receive
attachments of all kinds without any problems at all so I never
bothered to do things in any other way. Generally the more one mixes
things up, the worse it gets.
> Regards
> Hans J. Holm
> D-30629 Hannover
Regards, Mark
/\/\/\/\/\....I love humanity. It's people I can't stand...../\/\/\/\/\
hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu =-=-=-=-=-=
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