[language] [Fwd: BISC: CFP/ Wang-Zadeh]
H.M. Hubey
hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
Fri Apr 19 16:57:37 UTC 2002
<><><><><><><><><><><><>--This is the Language List--<><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: BISC: CFP/ Wang-Zadeh
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 14:46:46 +0200 (MEST)
From: Masoud Nikravesh <nikravesh at cs.berkeley.edu>
Reply-To: nikravesh at cs.berkeley.edu
To: Multiple recipients of list <fuzzy-mail at dbai.tuwien.ac.at>
Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC)
Call For Participations
Computing With Words - Semantics
The increasing amount of hyperlinked human knowledge available on
the web has shifted the research focus to the search engines that
will deliver the needed information quickly. This demand has
triggered a revisitation of the long standing issue of semantics,
which was never addressed adequately by information theory or
linguistic theory.Fuzzy set and fuzzy logic,on the other hand,
provide a powerful mathematical tool in modeling "semantics."
The organization and the manipulation of information, knowledge
base constructiuon and discovery, information retrieval and
logical inferencing all have to deal with semantics in a very
fundamental way. Unless we experience a breakthrough in under-
standing semantics, especially related to machine automation, it
will be difficult to make a quantum jump in accessing, creating,
and modifying information.
We are encouraged by the recent publications related to the
semantics issues of the natural language processing.I.Kobayashi,
M.Chang & M.Sugeno have worked on the meaning processing of
dialogue. Guoqung Chen deals with semantics in fuzzy association
rules. P.Subasic & A.Huettner have investigated the problem of
fuzzy semantic typing.Jonathan Lawry has studied the issue of
modeling with words. Fred Petry & Patrick Perrin handle knowledge
discovery in texts of which semantics of the words play important
role.Finally,Paul P.Wang & M.Xia use words as "features" in an
information retrieval system for moives selection.
In addition to applications,we also welcome theoretical works on
semantics as related to machine automation and translation.The
mathematical modeling of natural language inside the brains from
the anatomical,electrophysiological and genomic standpoints is
particularly welcome!It is our expectation that this edited
volume will be a truly multiple disciplinary one.
This proposed volume will be co-edited by Paul P.Wang & Lotfi A.
Zadeh.All finished manuscripts should be mailed to:
Professor Paul P.Wang
Box 90291 ,Duke University
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Pratt School of Engineering
Durham ,N.C. 27708-0291
e-mail : ppw at ee.duke.edu
fax : 919-660-5293
voice : 919-660-5259
Please mail six {6} hard copies for reviewing on or before
August 1,2002. The average length of the article should be 25 pages.
Two pages summary can be sent at anytime for planning purpose.
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