[language] A legacy of swans left to science]
H.M. Hubey
hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
Tue Apr 30 00:36:06 UTC 2002
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A legacy of swans left to science
He is thought of as rightwing but is Karl Popper just misunderstood?
James on the centenary of a controversial philosopher
Saturday April 27, 2002
The Guardian
Until about 30 years ago scientists mostly believed that their task was
to find
as many examples as they could to confirm their theories. Now they
realise that
they have to look for examples that are apparently inconsistent with
them. Karl
Popper is to blame, and particularly his slogan "No number of sightings
white swans can prove the theory that all swans are white. The sighting
of just
one black one may disprove it." Scientists now look for black swans and
if they
cannot find any, they can feel reasonably confident that their theory is
although not yet proved. It is, in the present state of knowledge, the
approximation to the truth.
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