[language] [ a little game]
H.M. Hubey
hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
Tue Dec 17 02:18:56 UTC 2002
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Here is a little game. Here are some words that mean "good" in various
Turkic languages
from various places and times.
1. edgU where U=u" Karaxanid (Erdal in book by Johanson and Csato)
2. iyi Turkish (This could also be eyi)
3. igi Karachay-Balkar (Kipchak branch, North Caucasus)
4. yaxshi many Turkic languages
5. ashxI where I=dotless Turkish i, (karachay-balkar)
This is a good example of what I have against IEanists. They just keep
creating new roots as they need them. All they need is an asterisk.
1. Are there two roots here or one?
2. What was the original form?
3. How did you derive it?
M. Hubey
The only difference between humans and machines is that humans
can be created by unskilled labor. Arthur C. Clarke
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