[language] Re: the latest issue of IQLA

H.M. Hubey hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
Wed Mar 27 00:58:08 UTC 2002

<><><><><><><><><><><><>--This is the Language List--<><><><><><><><><><><><><>

I forgot that two of my papers submitted to IQLA and have specifically
to do with historical linguistics are still being held for some
strange reason and the editor does not answer. Last year he said he
had been sick.

Some of these have to do with pointing out some of the problems of
histling. It would be helpful to show why so much complexity could
not be squeezed into such a small book.

I think I developed my intuition in physics which made the link
between math and the real world. But apparently the reviewers have
no idea of the mathematical representation of the real world (physics)
and thus have zero intuition.

In any case, I think it is a perfect time to discuss these right here
and now. The strange part is the they even complain about the parts which
were already published in journals, and one of them was published in IQLA.
Why did they not complain about it then. And worse, that chapter is the
best part of the book, and the most original contribution to phonetics
and phonology in about 100 years, and will be seen to be so, sometime
in the future. I can explain later. Right now I am late to class.

"H.M. Hubey" wrote:
> <><><><><><><><><><><><>--This is the Language List--<><><><><><><><><><><><><>
> I just received the latest issue of IQLA, and before I threw it out I decided to
> peruse it, and there it is: a review of my book!
> I read about half of it, and I see now that this book is certainly not going
> to be taken as the equivalent of Feynman's Physics lectures. Feynman's books
> are beautiful but probably used nowhere as physics text books.
> It looks like linguists are even more ignorant and less capable than
> I originally thought.
> It has been eye-opening to read at least half the review.
> I think I have to rewrite this book and make it 600 pages. Maybe then, the
> connections will be seen.
> Is there anyone here who read the book and wants to know the answers
> to the questions brought out by the reviewers? I can kill two birds with
> one stone; i can answer them here and thus create notes which I can
> use to make the book thicker and more detailed.
> I realize that in some places the writing is skimpy and I could have
> written more, but many of the criticisms are simply unjustified. I can
> show them here. It's too much for people who know so little math to
> expect so much from a thin little paperback.
> --
> ....Mark
> hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
> ---<><><><><><><><><><><><>----Language----<><><><><><><><><><><><><>
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hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu

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