[language] God

H.M. Hubey hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
Sat May 11 21:01:45 UTC 2002

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Follow up to my previous posts on God, fire/sun/heat

Atun (Akhen-Atun)
Ahura (Mazda), Atar
*athar, *adhar, ut(u)  fire, sun, light

Look at these developments

th>dh>d              Adonai = Adonis =~ Atun,  etc
th > l gives         Allah, Elohim, El

i.e   Atun > Adon or *Athun > atun > adon-   etc

The smoking gun can be found in Berger's book on Semitic:
Gadhamsi Berber   o:fa (fire)..

[The question is if oth > o:fa or, o:fa > *oth etc.  Since o seems
to be a late development we have to go with one of /iua/. The earliest
branches seem to have split into /a/, and /u/. Then maybe /i/ or
we just don't see it because the others got into writing. But then
again, there are gods like Ishten, Ishtar, etc.]

Thus the existence of some root *ath, or *uth, and the earliest can be,
traced to Sumerian ut(u), and much later Turkic ot.

There is also a k=m equivalence between Turkic and Sumerian (Tuna's book)
This is likely due to the sound change paths p>t>k in one branch and p>b>m
in another.

Thus from Moloch=Melech = Malik in the other branch
we expect  *Koloch=*Kelech=*Kalik

The roots of these can be found in:

gal (high, Sumerian, as in lu-gal=high/great man=king, lord), and
KalI: (high, Clauson), kalk (to rise, get up), kalka (to soar) in Turkic,
and with some manipulation khakan, kaghan, shogun, etc.]

"Mal" has to do with strength and "male" something in Hittite.
I don't have the book here.

To continue:

th>sh  produces Shaddai, thus shad < *shadh < *thadh possibility exists.

Thus words such as *Tudh(a) (Tura, Turan).

[Tura is the Chuvash God]

But with dh>ng  the other form(s) must have been;
Tang, Tangri, Tenger, dingir (Sumer)

[Then there is Torah, and Turkic to"r, both likely related to some concept
of supernatural force/entity.]

But then there is also *shad- > shar, tsar, cherig/cheriw

And again, with t>k   *Tudha >  Kuda > Xuda. (Alleged Iranian gods)
which somehow got into Turkic going in the wrong direction to
sound flow.

PS. There are hundreds of these. The only trick to finding these
patterns is

i) in NOT EXPECTING to find cognates that differ in a
single sound but multiple ones.

ii) secondly, to realize that the heuristic method of linguistics
distorts reality by throwing out data. What we see is that words
spread out accross traditional family boundaries.

iii) he third is to always remember that regular sound change DOES NOT
equal only descent from an ancestor but also takes place in

The real problem is in trying to distinguish between borrowing,
massive borrowing, and effect of new language learners on the language
vs slow-evolutionary changes in sounds in "real" descent from an ancestor.

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