[language] [Fwd: [evol-psych] Near Eastern languages came from Africa 10,000 years ago]

H.M. Hubey hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
Thu May 30 01:11:20 UTC 2002

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [evol-psych] Near Eastern languages came from Africa 10,000
years ago
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 17:22:04 +0100
From: Ian Pitchford <ian.pitchford at scientist.com>
Reply-To: Ian Pitchford <ian.pitchford at scientist.com>
Organization: http://human-nature.com/
To: evolutionary-psychology at yahoogroups.com

ESHG 2002 - Day 4 - Tuesday 28 May 2002

Near Eastern languages came from Africa 10,000 years ago
Investigator: Ene Metspalu

Tuesday May 28th, 2002
by Laura Spinney

Analysis of thousands of mitochondrial DNA samples has led Estonian
archeogeneticists to the origins of Arabic. Ene Metspalu of the
Department of
Evolutionary Biology at Tartu University and the Estonian Biocentre in
claims to have evidence that the Arab-Berber languages of the Near and
East came out of East Africa around 10,000 years ago. She has found
for what may have been the last sizeable migration out of Africa before
slave trade.

Genetic markers transmitted through either the maternal or paternal line
been used to trace the great human migrations since Homo sapiens emerged
Africa. But attempts to trace the evolution of languages have met with
success, partly because of the impact on languages of untraceable
political and
economic upheavals.

Full text


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