[language] [ World's Oldest Wheel Found?]
H.M. Hubey
hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
Tue Mar 11 11:34:29 UTC 2003
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World's Oldest Wheel Found?
By Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
March 10, 2003 - A 5,100- to 5,350-year-old wooden wheel recently was found in
Slovenia buried within an ancient marsh, according to a press release issued
earlier this month by the Slovenian news agency STA.
The team of archaeologists who found the wheel claims it is 100 years older
than the world's current tied record-holders, both said to be from Europe.
"The wheel is surprisingly technologically advanced - much more so than the
later models found in Switzerland and Germany," said Anton Veluscek, an
archaeologist from the Archaeological Institute at the Slovenian Academy of
Arts and Sciences who was a member of the team that found the wheel.
Full text
News in Brain and Behavioural Sciences - Issue 88 - 8th March, 2003
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