[language] [Fwd: [evol-psych] Earliest Domesticated Dogs Uncovered]
H.M. Hubey
hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
Thu May 8 11:44:39 UTC 2003
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [evol-psych] Earliest Domesticated Dogs Uncovered
Date: Thu, 08 May 2003 08:56:27 +0100
From: Ian Pitchford <ian.pitchford at scientist.com>
Reply-To: Ian Pitchford <ian.pitchford at scientist.com>
Organization: http://human-nature.com
To: evolutionary-psychology at yahoogroups.com
Earliest Domesticated Dogs Uncovered
By Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
Skull of a Stone Age Dog
Skull of a Stone Age Dog
April 7, 2003 -- The skulls of two Stone Age dogs believed to be the
earliest known canines on record have been found, according to a team of
Russian scientists.
The dog duo, which lived approximately 14,000 years ago, appear to
represent the first step of domestication from their wild wolf ancestors.
Mikhail Sablin, a scientist at the Zoological Institute of the Russian
Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, along with his colleague Gennady
Khlopachev, analyzed the dog remains, which were found at the
Eliseevichi I site in the Bryansk region of Russia's central plain,
according to an Informnauka press agency release.
Full text: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/briefs/20030505/earlydog.html
News in Brain and Behavioural Sciences - Issue 94 - 3rd May, 2003
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Mark Hubey
hubeyh at mail.montclair.edu
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