[LAP] First Call for Paper: 3rd International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan (ICLAP 2017)

Tafseer Ahmed tafseer at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 08:54:02 UTC 2017

Humanities Department, NED University of Engineering & Technology and
Department of Computer Science, DHA Suffa University in collaboration with
the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) will jointly host the 3rd
International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan (*ICLAP
2017*) between *12-14 October 2017 in Karachi*.
 The theme of this year's conference is Global Developments and Local
Perspectives: Expanding Scope for Linguistic Studies and Applied Linguistic
Practice that aims to explore the newer interrelationships,
counter-arguments, innovative methods and applications that emerge at the
nexus of the global developments impacting regional settings.

Researchers are invited to submit their abstracts of papers on original and
unpublished research work in any dimension of theoretical or applied
linguistics for presentation in the conference by *June 12, 2017* via Easy
Chair *(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iclap2017
 Abstracts should be written in English and the size of an abstract should
not exceed the limit of 400 words excluding title, keywords and references.
Please follow the Guidelines for Abstracts, given on the website.

All abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in the conference
book and full papers (after peer-refereeing) will be published in the*
Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Research (JSSIR) *- a
peer-refereed, internationally indexed journal, and also included in the
list of* HEC recognized journals* which is being brought out by the
Humanities Department, NED University.

In case of any problem or difficulty with the online submission system, the
abstracts can also be submitted to iclap2017 at gmail.com. The subject line of
the abstract email should read 'Abstract for ICLAP 2017'.

Conference Website: http://www.iclap.org/ICLAP2017/

Conference Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ICLAP2017

*Important Dates:*
Deadline for submission of tutorial/workshop proposals: Wednesday, 31 May
Deadline for submission of paper absrtacts: Monday, 12 June 2017
Acceptance notification for tutorial/workshop proposals: Wednesday, 12 July
Acceptance notification for paper abstracts: Monday, 31 July 2017
Registration opens: Saturday, 1 July, 2017
Days of the conference: Thursday to Saturday, 12-14 October 2017
Deadline for submission of full papers: Tuesday, 31 October 2017
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