[LAP] National Conference on TESOL, Linguistics and Literature (CTLL 2019)

NAHEED ASHFAQ QURESHI naheed.qureshi at umt.edu.pk
Tue Nov 20 10:17:31 UTC 2018

Dear all,

Call for Papers

*National Conference on TESOL, Linguistics and Literature (CTLL 2019)* invites
national as well as international research scholars to submit the abstracts
of their manuscripts for oral and poster presentations by *15 January, 2019* in
the MS Word format sent to ctll.iccs at umt.edu.pk  as an email attachment.
When submitting your abstract, kindly observe the themes of the conference
and follow the guidelines for submission of the abstracts. The abstracts
must clearly include type of the research, aim of the research, its
potential significance, description of method and methodology, important
findings with concluding remarks, etc. The research works should be
completely original, innovative and unpublished.

For further details, please visit this link

<ots.hd at umt.edu.pk>

*Naheed Ashfaq*

*Assistant Professor*

*Institute of Communication and Cultural Studies (ICCS) *

University of Management and Technology

C-II, Johar Town, Lahore, Pakistan.

Tel:+92 42 111 300 200 <+92+42+111+300+200> Ext: ----

Website: www.umt.edu.pk Email: naheed.qureshi at umt.edu.pk

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