[LAP] Call for Contributions

Tue Dec 26 06:14:50 UTC 2023

*Linguistics and Literature Review(LLR)*
is an  *HEC-recognized Y-Category*
striving to publish scholarly research papers in linguistics and literature
and all their relevant sub-fields with significant impact on society since

Although LLR deals with Theoretical Linguistics as well, it has a special
focus on the applied aspects of linguistics. Applied linguistics is an
interdisciplinary field that explores and offers solutions to various
language-related issues. It often involves the exploration of
language-related issues in context to other fields, such as education,
psychology, communication research, anthropology, and sociology. Apart from
this LLR also welcomes scholarly research papers in the field of
Literature, especially Asian Literature.

In *10(2)*, we intend to invite front-line researchers and authors to
submit original research and review articles on exploring Linguistics and
Literature. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

Bilingualism and multilingualism
Gender and language
Computational semantics
Language acquisition
Linguistics and translation
Vocabulary use
Language learning
Language testing and evaluation
Language planning and policy
Theoretical and applied linguistics
Approaches to second language learning
Discourse studies
Translation studies
Literary studies
Interdisciplinary explorations such as political discourses, and education.

Authors should read over the journal’s Author Guidelines:
carefully before submission. Prospective authors should submit an
electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal’s
Submission System:

*Issue Timetable:*

Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024
Publication Date: September 30, 2024

For further questions or inquiries, please contact Editorial Assistant at
llr at umt.edu.pk.

[image: Call for Papers 2, 2024 (2).png]

Ume Laila
Assistant Editor, LLR

Editorial Team

Linguistics and Literature Review (LLR)

Department of Linguistics and Communications (DLC)

Institute of Liberal Arts (ILA)

University of Management and Technology

C-II, Johar Town, Lahore, Pakistan.

Tel:+92 42 111 300 200 <+92+42+111+300+200> Ext: 3641

Website: www.umt.edu.pk Email: llr at umt.edu.pk





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