[Lexicog] missing word

Amsler, Robert robert.amsler at HQ.DOE.GOV
Fri Aug 6 12:11:17 UTC 2004

Probably not. It would be very confusing to English speakers, having as its
main meaning a collection of symptons that happened by chance (implying
there was no causal relationship between them) rather than a collection of
symptoms that co-occurred together.

-----Original Message-----
From: Fritz Goerling [mailto:Fritz_Goerling at sil.org]
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 6:54 AM
To: lexicographylist at yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Lexicog] missing word

Would "coincidence of symptoms" (= "Zusammentreffen von Symptomen" in
German) work in English?

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