[Lexicog] When is a collocation not a collocation?

Kevin Parent ksparent at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 1 00:13:43 UTC 2004

> Greetings everyone, and happy new year.
> I've a question. I've been doing some work on the BNC with a
> random selection of words from the GSL. The computer listed SAID
> as a collocate of WILD and ranked it quite highly (WILD being
> the node). Of course, such lists have to be treated carefully,
> which is what I'm trying to do here. Intuitively, SAID (and its
> lemma) and WILD are not collocates, but I don't want to dismiss
> the pattern completely. In a 4:4 window, the further away SAID
> is from the node, the more frequently it appears, like an
> inverse normal distribution. A look at the concordance shows
> that WILD often appears in reported speech--again a pattern I
> don't want to ignore as it's obviously important for the lexical
> profiling I'm trying to create.
> Is there a word for this phenomenon? Or any relevant research?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> =====
> Kevin Parent
> Gongju National University of Education, Korea
> KOTESOL Membership Chair
> http://www.kotesol.org/membership/committee/
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