[Lexicog] call for papers

Rita Temmerman rita.temmerman at DOCENT.EHB.BE
Wed Jan 28 11:46:59 UTC 2004


Call for papers


Journal of the Hoger Instituut voor Vertalers en Tolken, 
Hogeschool Antwerpen.
Schildersstraat 41 - 2000 Antwerp, Belgium.


The translation of domain specific languages and multilingual terminology management
Editors: dr. Rita Temmerman & dr. Uus Knops (http://cvc.ehb.be)

The need for terminology resources has increased due to the globalisation of scientific, technical and business exchanges and the development of international communication networks. Thanks to the WWW, access to existing multilingual terminology sources has become a reality. Efficient multilingual terminology management can contribute to better quality translations and more effective communication.

At least three shifts have affected the discipline of terminology over the last decade: the shift towards computational terminology management, the linguistic shift in the theory of terminology and the ontology shift which combines the (semi-) formalised representation of semantic relationships with terminological management systems. 

Taking the perspective of the translator, in this third issue of LA, New Series, we invite contributions that highlight research in domain specific languages, in terminology and in translation-oriented terminography (theme 1); contributions dealing with new developments in terminology theory and the relationship between the discipline of terminology and other cognitive disciplines like philosophy of science, epistemology and semiotics (theme 2), papers on computational terminology management problems of multilingual terminography (theme 3) and on terminological knowledge bases or ontologies (theme 4).
We welcome papers describing substantial and original research. Authors will be asked to identify the theme to which their submission corresponds.

Deadline for title and 10 lines abstract: 15 April 2004

Deadline for paper after notification by editors: 1 September

More information: http://www.hivt.be/publicaties/linguistica_callforpapers3.htm

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