[Lexicog] Export: Korean and Toolbox

Kenneth Keyes ken_keyes at SIL.ORG
Sat Mar 27 15:24:33 UTC 2004

Uh, Benjamin, how did you manage to export to XML?  Ken

-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Barrett [mailto:bjb5 at u.washington.edu]
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 4:15 PM
To: lexicographylist at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Lexicog] Export: Korean and Toolbox

I have had luck with exporting Korean from Toolbox, but it has to be done

After exporting (standard), I have to open Notepad, then Open the exported
file. When opening the exported file, I specify UTF8 as the encoding. This
opens the file correctly. Then, I Save As, again selecting UTF8. This
preserves the encoding.

If I just double click my exported file, the Korean gets garbled.

I haven't had any luck with rtf file exporting, though xml file exporting
came through fine.

Benjamin Barrett
Baking the World a Better Place
www.hiroki.us <http://www.hiroki.us>


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