[Lexicog] Contradictanyms

Fritz Goerling Fritz_Goerling at SIL.ORG
Thu Aug 25 19:12:56 UTC 2005

A friend just sent me this. I pass it on as a late contribution to the
homonyms discussion we had a while ago on this list.

Fritz Goerling

Contradictanyms are words which have opposing meanings depending on the
context in which they are used.  For example, the word DUST can mean to add
fine particles (as in dust the cake with icing sugar) as well as to remove
fine particles (as in dust the furniture).  Examples include:

You must BOLT the door.......................or he will BOLT for the door

FLOG a horse..........................in order to FLOG the horse-meat

GARNISH that dish........................or I will GARNISH your earnings

Secure it with a BUCKLE...................or it will BUCKLE under the weight

Please SCREEN us from.....................the film they are about to SCREEN

Though CRITICAL in his comments...............he was CRITICAL to our success

You can see the stars are OUT......................once the lights are OUT

It is everyday CUSTOM......................to have suits CUSTOM-made

It was an OVERSIGHT..................to give him OVERSIGHT of the project

I will FIX the gate.............................in order to FIX the race

Bind him FAST to prevent............................a FAST getaway

He was only a QUALIFIED success................although he is fully

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